上海远通实业有限公司(上海远通路桥工程机械有限公司)是集设计、制造、经营碎石制砂筛分设备为一体的专业企业。公司已成功地为沪宁、沪蓉、太旧、长四、昆玉、沈山、石太、钦防、深汕、乌大、长吉、福泉、京珠、成雅、内宜、杭金衢、包东、徐连、合徐、梨温、甬台温、耒宜、大运、赣粤、兰州、兰白、昆石、青藏、川藏等项目的高速公路及武广铁路、秦沈专用线、哈大、太中银、郑西、武合、京沪、成渝、兰俞铁路等提供了优质的碎石、制砂筛分设备,产品已出口至厄里托尼亚、孟加拉、南非、加纳、蒙古、阿曼、赤道几内亚、尼日利亚、埃塞俄比亚、阿尔及利亚、肯尼亚、安哥拉、沙特阿拉伯、卢旺达、突尼斯、哈萨克斯坦、吉尔吉斯、格鲁吉亚、巴基斯坦、柬埔寨、刚果(布)、刚果(金)、坦桑尼亚、多哥、苏丹、委内瑞拉、几内亚等国都曾使用过我公司的碎石成套设备。 “山星牌”破碎设备已成为我国碎石成套设备生产出口基地。由于我公司提供的设备性能优良,结构独特、高效节能、磨耗少、操作方便、售后服务完善等特点,在国内外赢得到了良好的声誉和市场空间,在国内众多的厂商、销售商中,我公司的销售业绩和信誉始终名列前茅,在全国碎石筛分成套设备市场份额中超过了50%。本公司生产制造、经营50-800t/h碎石筛分成套设备:振动喂料机系列、颚式破碎机系列、
Enterprise Introduction
Shanghai Interlink Roadbuilding & Bridgebuilding Machine Equipment Company, Ltd. is a special production enterprise gathering the design, manufacture and management of the breaking machines together. Since it came into operation, SIL has successfully supplied the breaking equipment and other special machines for roadbuildilng and bridgebuilding with excellent quality for building highway in HuNing, TaiJiu, ChangSi, ShenShan, KunZhi, ChengYa, NeiYi, TuWuDa, FuXia, ShenShan, HuangHuang, JinZhu, JingFu, BaoDong, HangJinJu, XuLian, HeXu, LanBai, LanZhou. The Capital Airport Area and others. At the same time SIL has also supplied the relative equipment and technology for development and construction of the metallurgy industry/the chemical engineering/the hydro-engineering in China. The SIL management policy is "Quality basic, Customer first". Our company has from first to end considered the product quality and service after sale as the enterprise life during strictly clasping the two item works. After making great efforts for many years, SIL has won customers.
"Quality basic, Customer first" is our aim
Major products: The excellent crushing and screening machinery not only with high ability to finish feeding, multi-stage crushing, screening and conveying but also equiped with reliable control system; and-producing system with German technology.