潍坊高田复合材料有限公司是TSAIWAN CODAM企业在中国大陆投资的独资企业,专业生产玻璃纤维针刺毡及电<br>子玻璃纤维布、纱、棉等相关产品。公司从事玻璃纤维类制品的长期研究、开发已有几十年的经验,产品远<br>销欧美、中东、日本、东南亚等二十多个国家和地区。公司坐落在美丽的风筝之都潍坊,地处潍坊市城南工业园区,公司占地53亩,交通便利,地理位置优越,位于206国道旁,距离潍坊市火车站、飞机场、高速公路路口均3公里以内,距潍坊港不足30公里。<br> 公司引进国际的德国、意大利玻璃纤维产品生产工艺,拥有两条规模大、设备先进、产品种类多样的全自动生产线,年生产能力1500吨,是国内的玻璃纤维针刺毡生产基地,主要生产各种耐高温的防火、保温、隔热、过滤、吸音等材料,公司产品广泛应用于航空航天、航海、汽车、建筑、石油管道等领域。公司产品均获国家许可证和 ISO9001 : 2000 认证。公司质量方针:以先进的技术 、科学的管理、优良的品质、周到的服务以满足客户的要求。公司经营方针:自律自强 诚信经营公司质量方针:求实创新 尽善尽美公司管理方针: 以人为本 以德兴业公司董事长刘宝国先生携全体员工,以世界的优良品质、全面周到的服务理念,竭诚欢迎国内外客户和朋友与我们进行业务洽谈。<br> WEIFANG HUAXIN COMPOSITE MATERIALS CO LTD-affiliated enterprises Ltd. Taiwan investment in mainland China-funded enterprises, professional and electricity production fibreglass Zhencizhan Son fibreglass cloth, cotton yarn, cotton and other related products. Companies engaged in long-term products such as fibre glass research, development has decades of experience, products far If Europe and the United States, the Middle East, Japan, Southeast Asia, more than 20 countries and regions. Companies located in the beautiful kites of all Weifang, Weifang City is located in the south city industrial park, the company occupies 53 acres, transport facilities and their location at 206 State Road, a distance Weifang City Station, airports, highway junctions are three kilometres, from Weifang in Hong Kong for less than 30 kilometres. Companies introduce leading German, Italian glass fibre production processes, with two large, sophisticated, diverse product range fully automatic production lines, the annual production capacity of 2,000 tons, is the nation’s largest fibreglass Zhencizhan production base, production of major fire withstand high temperatures, heat preservation, insulation, filtration, such as sound-absorbing materials, Company products widely used for aerospace, marine, automotive, construction, oil pipelines, and other fields. Company products are state permits and the ISO 9001