远航国际货运代理有限公司成立于1998年,如今已经发展成为一个现代化的国际运输代理企业。我们拥有遍布世界各地的服务网络和健全的分支机构,旗下拥有进出口公司、拖车公司、报关公司及仓储公司,提供完善的货物进出口服务。公司主要经营国际海运、空运、多式联运、国内配送、第三方物流、展览运输等运输等业务。公司业务网络遍及欧洲、美洲、非洲、澳新、中东、印巴、东南亚、独联体等地区,并在以上地区拥有实力雄厚的代理,公司拥有先进的管理系统,雄厚的国外代理网络,可为广大新老客户提供目的港清关及内陆转运等服务,为新老客户解决了诸多FOB,DDU,DDP,条款下的贸易问题.公司有专业的人员可根据客户的货物情况设计的物流方案,以减少货物的物流供应链成本,提供全方位的物流服务及增值服务为宗旨,全面对货物运输途中进行全程跟踪、监控,并提供及时、准确的续程信息 公司秉承“以诚待人,用心做事” 的原则,一切以服务客户为中心依托船务公司和航空公司为国内外客户提供质的服务. Established in 1998,AAA SHIPPING CO.,LTD Limitde has emerged as a modern logistic service providr todayin China.Together with the subsidiary lmport&Export Company,Trucking Company,Custom Clearance Company and Storage Company,we provide complete lmport and Export services.Yuanhang Logistics Co Ltd have since grown into one of the leading forwarders in china , specializing in international air & sea transport, multimodal transportation, logistics distribution, large project transport, exhibition logistics & private effects transport etc, with extensive business network as well as exclusive agency in regions of Europe, America, Middle east, India subcontinent, southeast Asia etc. Our aim is to be a major player in the freight logistics industry by creating and maintaining a reputation as the market leader in customer service continually seeking new and attractive value propositions for our clients through a world-class business management expertise in our operations.