广州市泰峰音响,是专业从事专业音响集研发.生产.销售于一体的大型企业.产品主要分为:专业音箱,功放,调音台,周边等音响器材. 公司自2000年成立至今,广州泰峰音响公司已拥有 E-TWO,BMG等多个品牌,现产品遍及全国各地,出口到港,澳,台;及美国,越南,泰国等国家.受到了广大用户的一致好评. 一直以来,公司一贯秉承“全心全意,精益求精“的信念,全体同仁一条心,正在为打造中国高品质的专业音响而努力奋斗.所有泰峰音响产品,均是以世界技术研发而生产出来,通过严格的技术检测,合格后方可走向市场的正规程序来确保产品的高质量.同时我们良好的售后服务体系为您随时提供着保障.在以后的日子里,我们会继续努力----不忘老朋友,结识新朋友.希望能得到您们的支持和指导,共同合作,创造出更加美好的明天. 欢迎广大客户的光临与指导!GuangZhouTF professional sound system CO., LTD. That is the authorization manufacturer of (EV2000 )( BMG) INDUSTRIAL GROUP LIMITED. EV2000 professional sound system divides for sound box, power amplifier, and power mixer. With complex construction, precise crossover-frequency network, effective unit setup, exquisite craft work and flexible combination, EV2000 serial products are widely applied for stage, square, P.A. or monitor in the small-scale sound system, theatre effect system, conference hall and AV multifunction hall, club and disco. TF sound box includes E, EN, OK, N, S, and W serials. We also produced new serials with JEP brand. All EV2000 power amplifier and power mixer are the best association for the EV2000 sound box.