浙江省瑞安市泰丰包装机械厂地处瑞安上望林东工业区,创办于一九八五年,是一家专业生产研发各类塑料包装印刷机械的企业,企业以高科技为先导,以提高企业管理水平和提高企业员工素质为中心,以扩大生产规模和产品档次为目标,严把产品质量关。特聘请中国武汉科技大学卢教授为本企业技术顾问。现拥有一支技术力量雄厚的技术队伍。主要产品:吹膜机系列、流延膜系列、印刷机系列、电脑制袋机系列、电脑分切机、电脑横切机、塑料片材粉碎机等几大系列上百个品种。本厂“以质量求生存、以诚信求发展”为宗旨,优惠的价格和优良的售后服务,产品畅销全国各地,并出口东南亚等国家和地区,深受广大客户支持和信赖。企业发展已跨入一个新的里程,我们将为您提供质量更好的新产品,热情、周到、高效的售后服务,优惠、合理的价格,产品保修一年,我们永远为您服务,让用户朋友满意,放心是我厂全体员工共同的心愿。竭诚欢迎国内外新老客户光临指导、咨询、洽谈、惠顾。Ruian Taifeng Package Machinery Factory,as professional manufacturer of Plastic Package Machinery and situated in Lidong Economic zone,Ruian City, China, was established in 1985. It consists of Technical Development Department, Manufacturing Department, Sales Department and After Sell Department. Our main products include: PE Blowing Film Extruder, PP Blowing Film Extruder, computer bag making machine, ,pvc/pe casting film machine, computer slitting machine, crushing machine and such serious, more than 100 kindsFactory "to the quality of survival, in good faith and development" for the purpose, favorable price and excellent after-sales service, the products sell well all over the country and exported to Southeast Asia and other countries and regions, well received by the customer support and trust. Enterprise development has entered a new era, we will provide you with better quality of new products, warm, considerate and efficient after-sales service, benefits, reasonable price, product warranty for one year, we will always at your service, allowing users to Friends satisfaction, rest assured that I plant the common aspiration of all the staff. At home and abroad wholeheartedly welcome new and old customers coming guidance, consultation, negotiation and patronage.