宝鸡市亚钛新金属有限公司(AATI),是一家专业从事稀有金属材料生产研发、科工贸为一体的高科技工业企业。公司具有雄厚的科研技术力量,先进成熟的生产工艺,已通过了ISO9001:2000质量体系认证。我公司以“客户,质量为本”的原则,在技术、制造水平、生产能力方面能为广大客户提供及时、满意的服务。公司产品已在化学工业、石油化工、医药医疗、湿法冶金、表面处理、海洋工程、化肥、镀膜、电子线路板、制盐、环保工程等行业得到广泛的应用,创造了良好的社会效益和经济效益。产品远销欧美、韩国、台湾、南非,在国内享有一定盛誉。的质量,的效率,公道的价格,满意的服务,“严格履约,信守承诺”是企业文化的核心,“满足客户需求,超出客户期待”是一切工作的指针。 “创建亚钛品牌”是公司长期的奋斗目标。公司在钛铜复合棒丝材和医疗钛材产品方面拥有自主知识产权,并被列入国家发改委鼓励发展产业名单。 主要产品有: ⑴钛及钛合金制品系列(板、棒、管、丝、异形件材) ⑵钛铜复合棒丝材系列 ⑶医疗钛材(棒、丝、弧形板) ⑷70钛铁系列 公司将竭诚以“人才为本、科技创新、和谐合作、服务”的理念,与各界同仁把握商机、共创未来。 Baoji AATI New Metal Co., ltd specialized in non-ferrous material, has integrated into a dynamic high-tech company. Driven by powerful research capacity and advanced techniques, we’ve been ISO9001:2000 certified, extending to our clients a wide range of services with timely satisfaction. Our products has been widely applied in Chemical, Petrochemical, Pharmaceutical, Hydrometallurgy, Surface Treatment, Ocean Engineering, Fertilizer, Coating, Circuit Board, Salt Making, Environmental Protection, which resulted in social and economical benefits. Enjoying quite a high opinion at home, our products are sold in Europe, America, Korea, Taiwan, and South Africa. We stay loyal to your contract, act swiftly upon your orders, and provide you with excellent products with reasonable prices. It is our mission to provide you with more than what you expect.Our Ti/Cu clad bars and medical Ti series with independent intellectual property are listed by the National Reform Commission as worth encouraging.Main Products:1、Ti/Ti-alloy products (Plate, bar, pipe, wire, odd-form parts)2、Ti/Cu clad bar/wire.3、70 ferrotitanium.4、Ti for medical use(bar,wire,arc plate)We strive to maintain people-oriented, tech-innovated, co-operated, and class service. Feel free to join us in seizing future opportunities.