江苏舜天国际集团机械进出口股份有限公司系由江苏省机械进出口集团股份有限公司转制而来,前身为“中国机械进出口公司江苏省分公司”,是1974年经外经贸部批准具有对外经营权的大型企业,1998年经外经贸部批准有取得了外经权。公司主要经营机床,农业机械,工程机械,通用机械,纺织机械,大型成套设备,船舶,仪器仪表,手工具,电、汽动工具,农具,箱包,服装,玩具,日用品以及国家放开经营的各类商品的进出口贸易;承办中外合资经营、合作生产业务;开展“三来一补”业务;承包境外工程和境内国际招标工程及其所需设备、材料出口;对外派遣工程、生产及服务行业的劳务人员。 目前,公司出口商品已多达60个大类3500多个品种20000多种规格,可供朋友们任意选择,其中近40种出口额达8000多万美元的拳头商品,其质量、性能一向为海内外朋友所称道。自1990年起,公司出口贸易总额超过一亿美元,2003年进出口总额达到38456.2万美元。把握“以质取胜,优质服务”实现市场多元化,创精品的出口发展战略:弘扬“务实、守信、开拓、服务”的企业精神是公司的一贯宗旨。我们诚挚地欢迎海内外朋友尽可能以就您感兴趣的任何机、电、仪产品和其它商品与公司建立长期的义务关系。JIANGSU SAINTY INTERNATIONAL GROUP CO., LTD,(in short,STIG) was established in November 18th ,1996 by Jiangsu province government, and whose net assets exceeding USD 173 million , total assets exceeding USD533 million by the end of 2003, is one of the 21 key group enterprises in Jiangsu province. It’s total import and export volume in 2003 exceeded USD1013 million, and ranked 79th among the 500 national largest imp.& exp. enterprises ,and 45th among the 200 largest export enterprises in china in 2003. STIG Jiangsu Machinery Imp.&Exp.Corp.Ltd.(SUMEX),an entity with independent legal qualification ,which changed its original name Jiangsu Machinery Imp.&Exp.Group Corp.in Dec .1996,is the core and subsidiary enterprise of Jiangsu Sainty International Group (STIG).STIG Sumex, depending on it’s actual strength accumulated in the twenty-odd years development ,backed by the superiority of the Group’s capital management and the commodity management of herself, shape her own characteristics of management by taking trade as her main business, entity as her foundation, service trade as her. The export of machinery, electronics, instruments and meters, hand tools, vehicles, vessels and light-textiles is the main line of the company, at the same time, we also process according to customer’s drawing and samples. Import business covers all fields of china’s national economy. In recent years, we pay special attention to importing infrastractur