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您现在的位置:博展天地文化传播(北京)有限责任公司 > 企业介绍
    博展天地文化传播公司是一家影视为龙头(以奥运会为背景的大概念儿童电影《THE EGG》正在筹备中,详情可见 http://blog.sina.com.cn/yuyanfeel)商贸为实体的文化传播公司。  公司结合中国传统文化,影视商业整体环节,实施了从“木鱼石”到“ 木鱼释”的品牌孵化,实施了“HIP HOP IN CHINA”,“THE EGG” 等影视、娱乐项目。策划了09动漫大片“奥林匹亚传奇”的营销。。。。。  “木鱼释”复兴和保留中国人传统及延续的古老习俗的精华基础上,引领时尚!分享传奇......从雅典到北京,走过08奥运会,“博展天地文化传播有限责任公司”在奥运会一年之际与大家分享带着奥运会印记的商品同时,传达梦想希望的延续!  CHINESE  WOODEN ARTWARE,Main wooden materials: spruce, basswoo d, qiu wood, boxwood, rosewood and dahurian this kind of CHINESE wood bottle will play a life luster with its primitive simplicity, nature and great antiquity, while you collide with your careless, some tiny scars left by the fire burning or the bare natural vein of the wood and the variegated paint vestige. All of these embodied a kind of richness life breath, great changes feelings, history feelings, a kind of concept and spirit. Actually, it is an expression of the present social value tropism and social mentality in the true life. It also shows the noble and ancient identity of the lord, simultaneously, it gives the aftertastes to life.In my imaginations,  The original intention of inventing color wood bottleI always stared at the growth ring of the tree when I was a child living in the mountain area. Some said: “It means the year of our human beings.” Someone said: “It can divine the happiness and afflication of human beings” when I saw it I would count it carefully. I found that there weren’t the same and different pair of the vein buzzling by it, from then on, afterwhile, I could see the natural beauty from it. Then we began to imagine that I could use it as I used the clay. One day, I could use it to connect into a wood bottle and transport it away the mountain and show to everyone. At last, I saw it as a carrier of the arts containing a definite emotion by the form of art. I know it was pregnant a new industry till now, and also being pregnant the developping tendency of economy culture and multivariant thought in this industr
主营行业 舞台设备   企业类型 个人,未经工商注册  
经营模式 其他   经济规模   
公司注册地 北京市    员工人数  
公司成立时间   法定代表人/负责人 于阳  
证书及荣誉数 0 张 会员注册时间 2011年04月20日
会员年限 13年6个月 付费月数 无付费记录



博展天地文化传播(北京)有限责任公司   地址:中国.北京.昌平天通苑东三区19号楼   邮政编码:100025
联系人:于彦   电话:86-010-61795021   手机:86-010-61795021   
技术支持:一比多  |  免责声明 | 隐私声明
增值电信业务经营许可证:沪B2-20070060     网站Icp备案号:沪ICP备05000175号
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