・社名(商号) 株式会社R.D.JAPAN(1) ferrous and non-ferrous metal, their raw materials, their finished products, mineral resources;(2) coal, oil, natural gas, other types of fuel, their by-products;(3) construction machinery, agricultural machinery, textile machinery, paper manufacturing machinery, business machinery and tools, industrial instruments, measuring instruments and apparatus, medical apparatus, audio equipment, vehicles, vessels, aircrafts, their parts;(4) foods, sugar, fat and oil, feedstuff, their raw materials, livestock, agricultural, livestock and fishery products, processed foods, alcoholic liquor, other foods and drinks;(5) heavy chemical, pharmaceutical products, quasi drugs, agrichemicals, synthetic resin, cosmetics, dyes, their raw materials;(6) textile products and their raw materials;(7) leather, pulp and papers;(8) lumber, woodworks, cement, other building materials;(9) landscape materials, garden supplies, agricultural materials;(10) stone materials and stone products;(11) convenience goods.・本店(登記上の住所)〒150-0001 東京都渋谷区神宮前四丁目25番3号・連絡先電話:03-5770-2326FAX:03-5770-2325・会社法人等番号 0110-01-062228・設立年月日平成17年(2005年)6月17日