上海品实(杰实)木业有限公司,系国内主要的仓储型销售北美硬木板材的公司之一。公司以美国及加拿大工厂为依托,以最直接的价格从北美进口,仓储式现货供应中国客户优质烘干板材。同时从北美工厂直接发货至客户。公司经营的产品:烘干板材及规格材。公司供应的木种包括红橡(Red oak)、白橡(White oak)、鹅掌楸(黄杨Yellow poplar)、白蜡(美国水曲柳 Ash)、硬枫(Hard maple)、软枫(Soft maple)、樱桃(Cherry)、黑胡桃(Walnut)、赤杨(Alder)、山核桃(Hickory)、太平洋枫(Pacific maple),孔雀木(Hackberry),等。并可按客户要求提供各类规格材及定宽,定长板材。我们的客户包括家具生产厂,地板,楼梯,木业装饰,木门等各类木业制造商. 等级:FAS, 普1,普2.,普3厚度:3/4,4/4, 5/4, 6/4,7/4 8/4,10/4, 12/4质量标准:美国NHLA规则。我们只做北美板材,所以我们更专业。 上海仓库地址位于上海市宝山区南陈路,占地七千平米,青岛仓库位于胶州市中云第二工业区,占地一万二千平米,常年备有各品种板材库存。 “品质至上 诚实为重”是品实木业的至臻追求,我们的经营理念就是以质产品及真诚服务获得客户的满意。 Shanghai J&Crown Forest Products Ltd is one of leading North American hardwoods lumber distributor in China. J&C services woodworkers, manufacturers and other companies that use North Amerian hardwood lumber in their manufacturing processes. The combination of dedicated employees, a long list of good suppliers of high quality lumber, and loyal customers has enabled J&C to become one of the premier hardwood suppliers in the country. Headquarted in Shanghai ,J&C has warehouses in Shanghai where is a home of about 3 millions board feet of kiln-dried lumber inventory ,the warehouse in Qingdao cover a area of about 12000 quare meters with the storage inventory of 4800 quare meter, Our main species include Red Oak, White Oak, Yellow Poplar (Tulipwood) , White Ash, Hard Maple, Soft maple, , Cherry, Walnut, Pacific Maple ,Alder,Hackberry,Sap Gum,etc,with a thickness form 3/4 to 8/4 mostly and 10/4 and 12/4 some.The grades include FAS ,1COM,2COM,3COM . Trucks leave J&C facilities daily and deliver lumber to customers from Guangdong,South to Jiling province,North of China. Your needs is our highest priority .Experience,commitment and integrity make J&C an easy company with which to do business and in which to place trust . We started our business with the belief that if we treat our customers like we would want to be treated, th