Join Tech Technology LTD.
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您现在的位置:Join Tech Technology LTD. > 企业介绍
  Established in 2003 in Hong Kong, JoinTech has always been focused on creating totally reliable electronic systems for data processing, communications and control in industrial and commercial applications. Today, the technologies may have changed, but the core values and expertise of our business remain as they always were - cost-effective and innovative solutions with fully supported design and manufacturing capabilities. At JoinTech, we work closely with our customers to engineer a total solution from initial concept, through complete electronic, mechanical and software design, to extended lifetime support - this is the key to our success. Our engineering and support teams offer an enormous depth of experience in the field of hardware design, embedded operating systems, communications protocols and system design. We pride ourselves on being able to provide the most comprehensive ready-to-run development tools in our industry - ensuring that our OEM customers can bring their products to market as fast as possible.Vision: To become a world class digital electronics design and manufacturing company operating internationally Mission:Our mission is to become an innovative supplier of high-tech digital and communication devices by providing value-added design, world-class manufacturing, and service capabilities.Our Core ValuesClient FocusTo exceed customer expectations for value and service. To build and maintain customer relationships and ensure long-term satisfaction.Commitment to ExcellenceTo deliver world-class results in all we do. Excellence does not mean better, it means BEST.Competitive AdvantageTo enable our customers to stay ahead of their competitors by providing best-in-class solutions, customer service and results.CommunicationTo foster open communications, listen and understand other perspectives.Strong LeadershipTo champion changes that improve results for our customers. To do the right things, not simply.
主营行业 物流管理软件   企业类型 个人,未经工商注册  
经营模式 其他   经济规模   
公司注册地 北京市    员工人数  
公司成立时间   法定代表人/负责人 —  
证书及荣誉数 0 张 会员注册时间 2011年03月28日
会员年限 13年11个月 付费月数 无付费记录



Join Tech Technology LTD.   地址:2207ASegBuilding,HuaqiangbeiRoad,FutianDistrict,Shenzhen,China   邮政编码:518031
联系人:leo   电话:86-755-61630641-802   手机:86-755-61630641-802   传真:86-755-61630641
技术支持:一比多  |  免责声明 | 隐私声明
增值电信业务经营许可证:沪B2-20070060     网站Icp备案号:沪ICP备05000175号
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