广东中山市小榄镇品格电器厂地处美丽富饶的珠江三角洲的黄金腹地,交通方便,地理位置得天独厚;本企业经过多年的发展,现为一家集专业生产、销售为一体的企业。主要开发研究生产抽油烟机等厨卫系列产品。 本企业系列产品均通过国家3C强制认证,CE认证等.并为全国各地知名企业贴牌生产(OEM),深受消费者欢迎;现我们致力于开发海外市场,产品远销东南亚、印度、俄罗斯、加拿大等国家和地区,与其建立长期的合作伙伴关系. 我们根据市场需求,产品不断推陈出新,以满足客户需求。在产品质量上严格把关,精益求精,全方位实施以质量为核心的综合治理。在售后服务上,一贯坚持“用户,顾客至上”的原则,客户满意是我们的永远追求,我们以满足消费者的权益为依托,以关爱顾客为宗旨。 为积极推进企业的发展,我们建立了以市场为导向的经营战略, 奉行“ 以人为本,互利共赢“的经营理念,将继续向科技化,专业化发展,不断强化内部管理,不断完善售后服务.真诚期待您的合作! Zhongshan Small Olive Town Moral character Electrical equipment factory is situated at the beautiful and rich Zhujiang Delta the gold center, the transportation is convenient, the geographical position is advantageous.Is - the fair production sale attracts the lampblack machine, the fuel gas stove has is a body kitchen health electrical appliances specialized manufacturer. My factory has the sufficient fund and the formidable technology in the production aspect, promotes the new style product to satisfy the customer unceasingly. Simultaneously the omni-directional implementation take the quality as the core comprehensive program of public order, implements the entire process to the product the quality control, produces product completely through national 3C compulsion authentication. Is paying special attention to the product quality simultaneously also to pay special attention to the product post-sale service, all along persisted “the user first, the customer is supreme” the principle, produces the series product, sells to each place, is welcome deeply the consumer. Southeast already gradually developed the moat group M delicacy harmony. sells and so on various countries and the area. And (decides sign production) for national various areas customer OEM, if establishes the long-term cooperation.My factory for “customer’s demand is our standard” is a center, unceasingly close customer relations. Future, will continue to the science and technology specialization development, will strengthen the internal managemen