邢台恒鹏车业有限公司是专业研发制造童车、自行车、电动车整车及零配件的企业,主要生产"恒鹏"、"陆驰"、"兰花"、"茉莉宝宝"牌儿童自行车、辐条、摇摆车、宝宝椅、气筒、中轴、前后轴、车筐、鞍座、脚蹬等,并拥有自营出口权,产品畅销国内20多个省市地区,远销世界30多个国家, 在国内外市场享有效高知名度。公司地处全国的自行车零件生产基地——中国自行车零件城,东距京九铁路60公里,西距京广铁路、京深高速50公里处,南邻邢临高速公路1公里,邢台至济南公路穿城而过,驱车2小时就可到达北方的深水良港-----天津港,水陆空交通十分便利,是海内外客商采购的基地。 公司以"质量、服务、信誉至上、共同繁荣"为经营理念。始终把客户放在位。我们将以更大的责任、更多的关注、更新的技术、更好的材料,为全球客户提供更优的产品。总经理王占营先生携全体员工诚邀国内外各位同仁,广大朋友,广泛合作,为中国乃至世界自行车的发展作出新的贡献,共创美好的明天!Xingtai city Hengpeng Bicycle Co.,ltd is a large enterprise,we specialized in designing,developing and manufacturing bicycle,children cycle and electric cycle parts.Our main products are "HENGPENG" "LUCHI" "LANHUA" "MOLIBAOBAO" brand children cycle,spoke, Nipple ,Freewheel,Peda, ,saddle.Our products not only sold well spreading over 20 provinces and cities,but also form a complete set with appointed factory.We own self-dealing export right and sold far to more than 30 countries and regions.At the same time enjoy a good reputation in domestic and foreign market.Our company is located in the largest bicycle parts manufacturing base of China--China bicycle parts city.With advantageous positons and transpor facilities.Our company is 60 kilometers from jingguang road and jingshen highway in the west,50 kilometers from jingjiu road in the east,It is the import base of domestic and foreign customer. We make seek outstanding,continue progress,people-oriented,common prosperity for our management theory.Our customer in the first place of our company.We’ll use bigger duty,more attention,newer technology,better material to supply excellent goods for global customer.We,Hengpeng sincerely hope to have a good cooperation with wide friends,to contribute for world bicycle development and beatiful tomorrow together.