汕头市鑫华渔丝制线厂是一家专业从事“锦纶/尼龙单丝-【渔丝线】”生产研发和销售为一体的企业。公司主营产品有:宝塔渔丝线,渔丝缝纫线、铁管渔丝线、纸管渔丝线、工字筒渔丝线、绞装渔丝线、渔丝绣花线、有色渔丝线,割草线等;产品规格:0.06mm-4.50mm,任何颜色均可生产.产品原材料供应均来自“台湾台化-【高捻料】”,原料特点:光泽亮丽、抗韧度强,产品特点:线径均匀、缩水率低、数据指标稳定、强力抗磨度好。专业.注重细节,细节.体现实力;办厂10多年来,公司一直以“遵纪守法、互利互惠,客户,质量,诚信经营”的原则,为广大客户提供优质的产品及完善的售后服务。“质量的保障—是我们的义务;选择供应商—是您的权利”我们明白,“没有、只有更好”。您给我们一分支持,我们将给您十分满意合作共赢,欢迎您来电咨询,谢谢。陈仁东:15018802020、13531284668Guangdong "shantou xin hua fishing silk thread factory."Is one specialized is engaged in the "polyamide [fishing thread]" single r&d and production and sales as one of the enterprise.The main products are: pagoda fishing thread sewing thread, silk, fishing fishing thread steel pipe, tube, fishing fishing ground wire, duplicate, fishery silk thread pack fishing fishing thread embroider line, nonferrous metal, cutting grass, specification limits 0.06 mm - 240: mm, any color production.Company products are from the raw material supply, "Taiwan government, the fine materials, high." raw material characteristics: shiny, strong toughness, product characteristics: uniform size and low shrinkage line, stable and powerful data index good abrasion.Factory with more than 10 years, the company has always been in the law, mutual benefit, customer first, quality first, the good faith management "principle, to provide customers with high-quality products and perfect after-sales service."Quality guarantee is our obligation -- -- are you select suppliers; we understand the rights", "no best, only better".You gave us a support, we will give you every satisfactionWin-win cooperation, welcome you to inquire, thank you.ChenRenDong: 15018802020, 13318089110Web: http://xhyusi.cn.alibaba.com/