红外检测技术具有很多优点,如:测试时不接触用电设备,不影响受检单位的正常工作,能够准确、直观地显示电气隐患部位和严重程度,且可以进行计算机分析,科学地做出电气隐患诊断结论,并具有操作简便、检测速度快、工作效率高、安全性强、检测时可与用电设备保持安全距离,适用范围广,可用于各类型 用电设备及配电线路的检查等。但是,由于红外检测仪器测量的都是物体的表面温度,而电气设备内部的温度因结构复杂而不能准确地测出,所以必须与其他测量技术和科学方法结合起来才能更好地发挥它的作用。另外,红外检测技术主要针对过热型隐患的检测,对于电火花型电气隐患应采取超声波检测。
红外检测技术现已发展成一门倍受瞩目的高新技术,随着社会生产和生活现代化进程的加快,作为电气预防故障不可缺少的检测手段,红外探测技术必将得到更加广泛的应用。 在上海江苏南京苏州昆山太仓吴江无锡宜兴常州扬州泰州镇江南通浙江湖州杭州诸嘉兴宁波慈溪绍兴嵊州金华义乌红外检测服务温州台州丽水舟山衢州,北京天津河北保定唐山沧州承德张家口秦皇岛石家庄邢台,内蒙古海南海口云南昆明贵州贵阳,福建福州厦门山东济南青岛,湖南长沙株洲义乌等有常驻办事处,随时随地为你服务公司已为深圳广州韶关珠海汕头佛山江门湛江茂名肇庆惠州梅州汕尾河源阳江清远东莞中山潮州揭阳云浮深圳赤湾盐田广州宁波镇海慈溪舟山上海宝山外高桥洋山山东青岛济南福建厦门浙江杭州义乌等电力,供电,发电,电信,石化,钢铁,烟草,航空,飞行器,建筑业等各大企业提供了红外热成像预防性检测服务,电气超声波检测服务,无损探测,消防隐患排查.电气预防性故障排查,开关维护,变压器维护保养等服务随时随地为你服务
We have thermalgraphy imaging equipment and ultrasonic inspection
equipment, have professional personnel inspection technology, through
the Infrared Traning Center training. We are dedicated to provide you
with professional/ fast/perfect/ infrared thermal imaging technology
and ultrasonic inspection service, online diagnostic equipment
reliability and safety, to help customers make preventive maintenance.
Thermal imaging detection /ultrasonic detection/ fault prevention
Thermalgraphy inspection can capture, emitted by other methods do
not see (IR) radiation heat. These images can show the temperature
range in color and color change that, observers can find high
temperature may herald the electrical, mechanical or process problems
(or low temperature point), namely the temperature defect. Therefore,
the equipment fault recognition will occur and to prevent its
occurrence, will bring the lower production cost and less maintenance.
Ultrasonic detector can detect ultrasonic due to abnormal discharge
device sends out, especially the switch device enclosed in operation,
with the use of ultrasonic detection and infrared detection, can be
more accurate and serious fault identification of various, more
significant effect.
Thermal imaging detection
/ultrasonic inspection / use scope
Electrical equipment:
Malfunction of heating rotary motor, transformer, circuit breaker,
transformer, power capacitors, lightning arrester, power cable, bus,
conductor, insulator, switchgear, low voltage electrical and two loop
Professional equipment:
Detection of valve and steam valve, bearing and mechanical parts
detection, detection of heat exchanger, boiler and condenser,
compressor testing, aircraft, ship detection equipment
at China Port Chiwan Yantian Ningbo Shanghai Tianjin QINGDAO Xiamen
Chemical equipment:
Various reaction device, thermal insulation pipes, storage tank, heat
preservation equipment
Infrared thermal imaging & Ultrasonic detection to the client
1、find the potential hidden trouble of equipment
2、save repair costs, improve the repair efficiency, shorten the
repair time and cycle
3、improve the company's repair management level