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途锐一种当代的方式重新诠释迷人的多用途SUV理念。制定标准之间完全越野能力的SUV车与汽油发动机的燃料消耗值仅为8.2升每百公里的燃料。途锐混合动力可以驱动50公里每小时在纯电动模式 - 无排放。其中柴油发动机,途锐V6 TDI与7.4升的综合油耗的文章中最有价值的部分,真正的越野车。新时代SUV-更轻,更符合空气动力学和燃油效率已经在全球范围内成功的完成,更小的途观,大众汽车系统追求可持续发展的新途锐上。 SUV减轻了208公斤的基础版本。然而,对身体有5%的抗扭刚度,这使得它在竞争类中的。徐州进口车专卖随着空气动力学的细化工作,在这里工作的另一个因素,途锐建在地上比以前的型号。大众新的设计DNA,这将导致在一个较小的迎风面积与前端造型的基础上。所有的引擎,现在提供了一个标准的8速自动变速器 - 在这个细分市场 - 表现出显着的燃油经济性的优势超过前代机型。

 SUV的所有路径 - 全轮驱动还修改了追求减少燃料消耗是标准的全轮驱动系统。在基础版本(“4Motion的”),全新一代途锐全轮驱动系统与托森限滑差速器(4MOTION爬坡能力:31度)。

 SUV的日常驾驶 - 更多的空间,更多的创新,大众汽车不仅使新途锐的重量更轻,更省油,更敏捷表演,也使它成为一个更加灵活的,全面的车辆。新的内饰功能更强大,更舒适的座位,并在后排的腿部空间是较大的。现在的后排座椅具有160毫米的纵向调节,并且靠背角度可调节。电虚掩着的按一个按钮,一个选项,它折叠起来在几秒钟内释放1642升的载货空间。驻车制动是通过按钮激活。作为一个选项,后行李箱盖可以被打开和关闭由RF遥控器的控制单元集成在汽车钥匙。所有的SUV提供了的全景天窗,即使在阴天的光。双氙气大灯,带动态照明辅助感知迎面而来的车辆,并调整光束以消除多余的眩光,徐州进口车专卖自适应滚动补偿,确保,在街上途锐途锐坐在扎实的约50万车司机的两个世界 - 的选择买新一代的SUV。这是一个豪华越野车,提供高水准的舒适,动感的驾驶性能,前卫的造型,和无限的远征能力 - 本质上的轿车和越野世界统一于一个概念。这是目前正在跟进新途锐 - 高端和多功能全方位的车辆,使这两个世界更完美。

  range of engines

  Wolfsburg / Munich, February 2010. Today, Volkswagen is unveiling the completely redeveloped Touareg as a world premiere. It is the most technically innovative "VW" since the brand has been in existence. This Touareg is reinterpreting the fascinating multipurpose SUV idea in a contemporary way. It sets standards among fully off-road capable SUVs with petrol engines that have a fuel consumption value of just 8.2 litres fuel per 100 kilometres. The Touareg Hybrid can be driven up to 50 km/h in purely electric mode – emissions-free. Among the diesel engines, the Touareg V6 TDI with 7.4 litre combined fuel consumption now posts the best value in the segment of genuine SUVs.

  New era SUV –lighter, more aerodynamic and fuel efficient As has already been accomplished on the globally successful, smaller Tiguan, Volkswagen is systematically striving for sustainability on the new Touareg too. The SUV was lightened by 208 kilograms in the base version. Yet, the body has five percent greater torsional rigidity, which makes it the leader in its competitive class. Along with aero-dynamic refinement efforts, another factor at work here is that this Touareg is built lower to the ground than the previous model. Together with front end styling based on the new Volkswagen design DNA, this results in a smaller frontal area. All engines, now offered with a standard 8-speed automatic transmission – a first in this market segment – demonstrate significant fuel economy advantages over the previous model.

  SUV for all trails – All-wheel drive Also modified in pursuit of reduced fuel consumption was the standard all-wheel drive. In the base version ("4Motion"), all new generation Touaregs have all-wheel drive with Torsen limited-slip differential (4MOTION; climbing ability: 31 degrees).

  SUV for everyday driving – more space, more innovations Volkswagen has not only made the new Touareg lighter, more fuel efficient and an agile performer; it has also made it into an even more versatile, all-round vehicle. The new interior was made more functional, the seats more comfortable and leg room in the rear is larger. Now the rear bench seat has 160 millimetres in longitudinal adjustment, and the backrest angle can be adjusted. Electrically unlatched at the press of a button as an option, it folds down in seconds and frees up 1,642 litres of cargo space.

  The parking brake is now activated by pushbutton. As an option, the tailgate can be opened and closed by a RF remote control unit integrated in the car key. The largest panoramic sunroof of all SUVs provides for light even on overcast days. Bi-Xenon headlights with Dynamic Light Assist perceive oncoming traffic and adjust the light beam to eliminate unwanted glare, and adaptive roll compensation ensures that the Touareg sits solidly on the street

  Touareg – the best of two worlds About 500,000 car drivers chose to buy the first generation of the SUV. It is a luxury sport utility vehicle that offers a high level of comfort, sporty driving properties, avant-garde styling, and unlimited expedition capabilities – essentially the best of the passenger car and off-road worlds unified in one concept. This is now being followed up by the new Touareg – a high-end and versatile all-round vehicle that brings these two worlds together even more perfectly.

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大众将整合进口车渠道 强调专卖制度——徐州进口车
大众将整合进口车渠道 强调专卖制度——徐州进口车
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徐州金盛汽车销售服务有限公司   地址:徐州东三环15号香山物流对面   
联系人:张经理   400电话:400-071-0815   电话:0516-81912555   手机:13512564181   
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