轮辋式实心轮胎 |
a. 采用先进的三层式结构设计,中部缓冲层和弧形胎侧设计有效地吸纳了车辆运行时产生的震动,具有舒适的驾乘性,并降低车辆和驾驶员的疲劳。 b.独特的钢环设计可以确保轮胎与轮辋的紧固性,根本上消除了实心轮胎的打滑的问题。 c.专为叉车及工程车辆用轮胎而设计的多用途的花纹使轮胎具有高耐磨、高稳定性和高通过性。 |
幅板式实心轮胎 |
a.不需要专门的设备来安装幅板式实心胎 b.幅板式实心胎具有内置轮辋,有6个或8个螺栓孔。 c.独特的胎侧孔设计提高了实心胎的使用寿命 d.幅板式实心胎是为的即使在垃圾厂、沙地、泥土地、泥泞地和碎石地环境下仍能表现出卓越的牵引性能的实心胎 |
In 2006, GPX International Tire Corporation acquired Industrial Tires Limited (ITL) when it purchased the MITL group of companies. ITL has been one of the leading manufacturers of solid rubber press-on and pneumatic shaped solid tires in North America since 1958. Since its inception, ITL has developed a strong presence in many demanding markets around the world, including materials handling, airline ground support, aerial platform and construction.
Over the years, ITL and MITL have earned the reputation of being a true innovator and technology leader. ITL tires are produced in China and the United States. Consistent with its focus on engineering excellence,ITL has created a world-class manufacturing environment .
Strong market recognition, a strong distribution system, current technical and production expertise and its unrivaled ability to adapt to special applications quickly and competitively allows ITL to respond to the ever changing market. Today, ITL represents one of GPX’s premium brands of solid industrial tires.
网站: http://www.gpxtire.com