附送通讯电缆(串口线和并口线);附送AC电源;AC AdapterC选用ERC-43色带,打印寿命更长,可达5百万个字符。
打印方式 9-pin serial impact dot matrix method
打印字符 字符 Font (standard) Font A: 9 x 9, Font B: 7 x 9, Multilingual 16 x 16
列数 7 x 9: 42
9 x 9: 35
16 x 16: 23
字符尺寸 1.2 x 3.1 mm/1.5 x 3.1 mm/2.6 x 2.9 mm
(0.047 x 0.122’’/0.059 x 0.122’’/0.102 x 0.114’’)
(not including horizontal spacing)
字符集 95 Alphanumeric, 48 International, 128 x 12 Graphic 2-pass printing font: Simplified Chinese 28553(GB1B03D-2D0O)
CPI Font A (9 x 9): 16.8cpi,Font B (7 x 9). 14 cpi, Kanji(16 x 16): 9.3cpi(2 half dot spacing)
纸张 尺寸(mm) 76 + 0.5 (2.99 ± 0.02)
厚度(mm) Thickness: 0.06 - 0.085 (1 sheet)
Thickness: 0.05 - 0.08 (1 sheet), total thickness must be 0.14 mm or less.
Number of oopies: Original 1 sheet + one copy sheet
色带 ERC-43(P) Purple life: 5,000,000 characters
Life based on continuous printing at 25℃(77oF)
打印速度 Approx. 4.3 lps (42 columns, 16.8 cpi, 1/6 line feed)
Approx. 5.7 lps (30 columns, 16.8 cpi, 1/6 line feed)
Approx. 8.3 lps (16 columns, 16.8 cpi, 1/6 line feed)
Approx. 2.2 lps (23 columns, 9.3 cpi, 1/6 line feed)
接口 Serial I/F (RS-232) or parallel 1F (IEEE 1284)
接收缓冲 42 bytes/2KB
电源 +24 VDC
耗电 Average 36 W (when printing Kanji bidirectionally)
Average 5.1 W
前箱驱动 1 drive
可靠性 9,000,000 lines
150 million characters
操作温度 0 - 45℃(32 - 113℃)
存储温度 0 - 50℃(14 - 122℃),without paper and nbbon cassette 操作湿度 10 - 90%, must be no condensation
存储湿度 10 - 90%, must be no condensation, without paper and nbbon cassette
外观尺寸 (mm) 160 x 248 x 132 mm (6.30 x 9.76 x 5.20’’)
重量 1.5 kg (3.31 lb)
型号: TM-120
分辨率: 203DPI
打印速度: Approx. 4.3 lps (42 columns, 16.8 cpi, 1/6 line feed)
打印针数: 9针
质保: 3年