产品概述:超声波振板可根据客户的需求设计在清洗槽内的不同位置;清洗槽采用不锈钢结构,耐酸碱,经久耐用;可任意选用不同规格组合、拼接各种不同形式清洗,以满足各种清洗需求。适用范围:电镀前预处理等 。
Product Features:Ultrasonic vibrating plate can be placed in different position according to customer’s requirements.The stainless steel structure is adoped in vibrating box, which is acid and alkali resitant and durable.Cleaning methods of different specification and different froms can be selected at ranom to meet with different cleaning requierments.Scope of Application:It is applicable for pre-treatment before electroplating etc.