一、什么样的挖掘机可改装成加长臂挖掘机; 新机不建议改装,因为改装成加长臂挖掘机以后,挖掘机负荷增大,况且没过保修期容易与原厂产生售后服务的纠纷;五成新以下的机也不建议改装,因为机器使用年限比较旧,各方面性能减退,加上加长臂本身有一定重量,很难发挥出加长臂挖掘机应有的效率,的是5-8成新的挖掘机改装成加长臂挖掘机。
One, what kind of excavator can be converted into a long arm of excavator; new machine does not recommend the modification, because after converted into plus the long arm of excavator, excavator load increases, and no warranty prone to after-sales service with the original dispute; half new below the machine did not suggest that the modified, because the machine service life is old. All aspects of performance decline, coupled with the long arm itself has a certain weight, very difficult to play and efficiency of long reach excavator due, the best is 5-8 into the new excavator converted to long arm of excavator.
二、挖掘机加长臂的使用范围 ; 挖掘机加长臂有两段式挖掘机加长臂和三段式挖掘机加长臂两段式挖掘机加长臂主要适用于土石方基础和深堑挖掘作业,河道清淤;三段式挖掘机加长臂主要适用于高层建筑的拆迁等工程。根据杠杆原理和力学原理,加长臂挖掘机的受力比原来减少,应该尽量不要去重作业的场合施工。
Use two, plus the long arm of excavator excavator; plus the long arm of two section type excavator long arm and three section type excavator plus the long arm of the two section type excavator long arm is mainly suitable for mining operations, on earth foundation and deep moat river dredging; three section type excavator long arm is mainly suitable for high-rise building demolition project. According to the lever principle and the principle of mechanics, plus the long arm of excavator force less than the original construction, should try not to re operation occasions.