TGZ-155型硅太阳能智能型航空障碍灯是进入九十年代末期的产物,随着集成电路飞跃发展,各种功能很强的集成电路芯片不断涌现。用单片微电脑构成各种类型的应用系列已深入到各个技术领域。我厂在研究、消化、吸收了大量国内外同类技术的基础上,研制开发了本产品。它是普通航空障碍灯的更新换代产品。该产品已通过上海计量测试技术研究院检测。 该产品有 155mm丙烯酸酯鼓形菲涅尔透镜,铸铝蓄电池箱及灯座、微电脑控制器、高光效氙气灯管、硅太阳能物理电池及全密封免维护蓄电池等组成。用料讲究、电路先进、结构合理,它能在约三秒产生一次极强闪光。 TGZ-155型硅太阳能智能型航空障碍灯以微电脑芯片作为核心控制部件,辅以优质电子元器件构成光控自动开关、双灯管交替闪光控制、程控电源控制。硅太阳能电池,免维护蓄电池和灯器三者自动保护控制等组成为全水密结构。该产品特别适应于不便维护保养的高楼大厦、电力铁塔、电视发射塔、高大烟囱、大桥桥塔、勘探井位、船舶导航及飞机场跑道等要求防爆的场所作为标志用灯。 该产品有光控自动开关、节能、长寿命设计。一般正常使用情况下,两年内无须任何维护保养。
The TGZ-155 intelligent Solar power Aero-Obstruction Lantern is controlled by a microcomputer and supplied power by a Sloar panel. Two hight intensity and long lifexenon light tubes which are from Germany is used to the lantern. It is product if science and technology.
A long with integrated circuit develop, kinds of integrated in which the intefrated circuit slugsare constantly emeerging. Various kinds of using sysem in which the intefrated circuit slugs qre used have been used to each technology domains.
Based on a lot of similar domestic and inspeated by Sanghai Institute of Teching Technology.
The lantern is made pu of. 1550mm acrylic fresnel lens, two high intensity xenon lights tubes, solar panel and sealed maintenance free rechargeable battery. It flashes a high intensity beam once three secnds.
A microcomputer slug controls the lantern, sunswitch,constant light intensity controller, power constitution. the lanter as a lights signal mark, is very suitable for the ared just like high building, power, TV towers, high, chimney, bridge tower, explorain tower, navigation beacon and airport beacon. It is maintentenance free within two years in normal state.