3M 9214结构胶带
3M 9214结构粘合胶带
3M 9214结构粘合胶带是应用于汽车挡风玻璃上后视镜的固定。其是一种环氧类的胶,可以膜切成型,两面都带有压敏胶,在常温可直接粘贴,操作简单方便,然后可以在挡风玻璃合成时的高温高压环境下热固化达到结构连接强度,无需添加设备,无溢胶现象,固化后对冷热温度的变化冲击,潮湿等外界环境因素有很强的抵御能力。
3M 9214结构粘合胶带性能
厚度和颜色:0.51mm 和 黑色
存储期: 27°C 下可以存放3个月
3M? Structural Bonding Tape 9214
3M? Structural Bonding Tape 9214 is a 0.51 mm thick tape, formulated for bonding rear view mirror buttons and other hardware to automotive glass. It is applied as a pressure-sensitive tape and then heat cured to develop structural strength. The tape color changes from black to matte gray after curing.