YCB型齿轮泵本系列齿轮油泵主要有齿轮、轴、泵体、泵盖、轴承套、轴端密封(特殊要求,可选用磁力驱动,零泄露结构)等组成。齿轮采用双圆弧正弦曲线齿形制造。Sine curve with double-arc gear tooth manufacturing. 它与渐开线齿轮相比最突出的优点是齿轮啮合过程中齿廓面没有相对滑动,所以齿面无磨损,运转平稳,无困液现象,噪音低、寿命长、效率高。" It is compared with involute gear most prominent advantage is that the process of meshing gear tooth profile surface there is no relative sliding, so no tooth wear, smooth operation, without the phenomenon of trapped liquid, low noise, long life and high efficiency. 该泵摆脱了传统设计的束缚,使得齿轮泵在设计、生产和使用上进入了一个新的领域。The pump out of the shackles of traditional design, making gear pump in the design, production and use into a new area. YCB型齿轮泵设有安全阀作为超载保护,安全阀全回流压力为泵额定排出压力的1.5倍。YCB-type gear pump equipped with overload protection as a safety valve, safety valve rated full-back pressure pump discharge pressure of 1.5 times. 也可在允许排出压力范围内根据实际需要另行调整。Can also be allowed within the discharge pressure be adjusted according to actual needs.但注意本安全阀不能作减压阀长期工作,需要时可在管路上另行安装。However, take note of the safety valve reducing valve can not be a long-term task, requiring the road may be installed in the pipe. 泵轴端密封设计为两种形式,一种为机械密封,一种是填料密封,可根据具体使用情况和用户要求确定。Pump shaft seal is designed to end in two forms, one for the mechanical seal, one is packing seal, may be based on specific usage and user requirements to determine. 从主轴外伸端向泵看,为顺时针旋转。Overhang from the spindle to the pump to see, for clockwise rotation.河北恒盛泵业股份有限公司,即原国营泊头市齿轮泵总厂,主要生产产品有:2CY齿轮泵,螺杆泵,YCB型齿轮泵,YCB-G型保温齿轮泵,KCB型齿轮泵,NYP系列内齿泵,FOP系列燃油增压泵,3RP型凸轮转子泵,2W.W系列双螺杆泵,3G型三螺杆泵,3GCL型立式螺杆泵,AY型单两级离心泵,高粘度泵,BZA型石油化工泵,CLZ系列船用立式自吸离心泵,LB冷冻机泵,船用泵等。我厂于一九九七年在泵行业率先通过ISO9001质量体系认证;二00三年通过军品质量体系认证;二00六年通过了海军装备质量管理体系二方认证;公司主导产品具有20余个系列,1200余个规格型号。几十年来,多种产品为国家舰船制造、大型火电机组、核电机组、大型石化设备、大型化纤设备、大型冶金设备、油田建设、以及国家有关专项工程提供设备配套,并为国内众多各类用户提供数十万台产品,同时,出口世界十几个国家。