用途( Special purpose ):用于薄膜开关和柔性电路板或金卡、银卡、OPP膜、PET、PC、PVC铜版纸表面做功能性装饰导电用。涉及行业、、薄膜开关厂、玩具、烟酒、礼品包装印刷。
一、 浆料特性( Paste properties )
1. 彩色超导颗粒:65±1%
2. 粘度( Viscosity ):7000~15000Mcps 4# Spindle 0.3r/min
25℃ 布氏黏度计
3. 精细度( Fineness ):≦ 7μm
4. 覆盖率:( couerage ):450~500cm2/密耳/g
二、 干燥膜特性( Ehe dried film properties )
1. 方阻( Sheet resistivity ):20mΩ /□(25μm)
2. 分辨率( Defination ):≤0.2mm
3. 附着强度( Adhesion strength ):3M胶带,百格测试,无脱落
4. 硬度( Hardness ):>2H
5. 曲挠性( Flexibility ):( 1mm Line 2kg load×180℃×1minute×10times ) △R〈300%
6. 长期工作温度(℃) 〈70℃
三、使用指南( Application guidelines )
1. 基材( Substrate ):PET、PC、OPP膜、金卡、银卡、PVC、铜版纸
2. 丝网印刷( Screen-print ):200~300mesh polyester or stainess steel
3. 干燥条件( Drying):PET (1) IR炉130℃ 2-3分钟
(2) 烘箱135℃—145℃ 15分钟
4. 贮存( Storage):Room temperature ( shelf-life is more than 6 months)
四、 操作与安全( Safety and Hardline )
POLU—PH contain organic solvents . Handle it with adequate vintilation to avoid over breathing of vapor . Wash immediately with water and soap if contact with skin.
包装:1Kg/罐 |