中文简介:温州顺泰五金工具厂座落在美丽的温州仙岩风景区,目前是一家规模的五金工具厂,距离温州火车站5公里左右,交通十分便利,本厂是一家专业生产内六角扳手、五角扳手、四角扳手(包括普通型、球形、T型、国标、非标、英制、碳45钢、铭钒钢等)拥有设备,产品远销全球各地. 在新世纪里,平平五金工具厂将一如既往的坚持特有的创业精神,以的品质,诚信的服务,超前的理念,与广大的新老客户携手共进,共创辉煌!!
英文简介:Hardware Tools Factory Wenzhou flat located in Wenzhou Xianyan beautiful scenic area, is currently the largest hardware, a tool factory, five kilometers away from Wenzhou railway station about the traffic is very convenient, is a professional production factory within the hexagonal wrench, wrench Pentagon , four wrenches (including ordinary type, ball, T-type, GB, non-standard, Imperial, 45 carbon steel, vanadium steel-ming, etc.) have high-end equipment, products are exported to all over the world. In the new century, flat metal tool factory will, as always, adhere to a unique entrepreneurial spirit to a first-class quality, good faith service, the concept of advance, with the new and old customers hand in hand, create brilliant! !