北京华诺恒宇光能科技有限公司,(138 0116 4158 依经理),专业对外承接图案灯、摇头灯、LOGO灯等舞台投影灯具所需要的全彩图案片、GOBO图案片、玻璃图案片、金属图案片的制作。
(A gobo (or GOBO) is a physical stencil or template slotted inside, or placed in front of, a lighting source, used to control the shape of emITted light.
In the design of an artificial environment in which lighting instruments are used, it is sometimes desirable to manipulate the shape of the light which is cast over a space or object. To do so, a piece of metal with patterned holes through which light passes is placed in the beam of light to allow only the desired "shape" or pattern through, while blocking the rest of the light, casting a specific shadow/light into the space.