ORTEC offers a wide rangeof HPGe radiation detector solutions which cover energies for X-rays in
the fewhundred electron volts (eV) range up to gamma rays in the 10 MeV and aboverange. These detectors are manufactured using high purity germanium (HPGe) ofboth P- and N-type. All detectors in these two classes are cryogenicallycooled, using either liquid
nitrogen or electro-mechanical coolers.
How to Choose the Right HPGe RadiationDetector for Your Application
Choosing the correct detector for your specificapplication involves many criteria. No single table or graph can uniquelyspecify a detector for a particular measurement. The energy range chart above,and the key attribute table
below should provide an excellent start in makingthe right choice. You can click the detector type link in the table below formore details regarding that specific detector.
ORTEC also has several unique detectors thatare application specific as well as the capability to design and manufacturespecialty detectors. Select the links below for more details. Choosing thecorrect detector for your specific
application involves many criteria. Nosingle table or graph can uniquely specify a detector for a particularmeasurement. The energy range chart above, and the key attribute table belowshould provide an excellent start in making the right choice. You can click
thedetector type link in the table below for more details regarding that specificdetector.
ORTEC also has several unique detectors thatare application specific as well as the capability to design and manufacturespecialty detectors. Select the links below for more details.
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