A weighing system contains a stationary type weighing module, a semifloating type weighing module and some floating type weigh module. Standard combination:
1. a kit of four modules: one stationary type, one semifloating type and two floating type modules.
2. a kit of three modules: a stationary type, a semifloating type and a floating type module
1. The flatness of each weighing module’s foundation should be less than 0.3mm. All foundations should be in the same horizontal plane and the flatness among them is required between 0-3mm.
2. The flatness of bearing surface connected with the weighing module should be within 0 .3mm . All bearing surfaces should be in the same horizontal plane and the flatness among them should be between 0-3mm.
1. The semi-floating module should be kept away from the fixed module as far as possible.
2. Connecting modules with foundations and bearing surface can use bolting or welding. In welding, pay attention to connect the welding machine with the ground. When welding the base board with foundation, the welding machine should
be connected on the foundation, when welding the top board with and the bearing surface, the welding machine should be connected with ground on the bearing surface. Do not allow current go through the load cells to avoid any damage to load cells
3. After installing, loose the nuts on the top of the bolt to remove the sleeve from supporting board (released state as shown in picture)
1. 四件套: 一只固定式,一只半浮动式,二只全浮动式模块
2. 三件套:一只固定式,一只半浮动式,一只全浮动式模块
SBT- FW称重模块安装基础要求:
1. 每一称重模块的安装基础的平面度应在0.3mm以内,各基础应在同一水平面上,其平面度要求在0-3 mm之间。
2. 与称重模块连接的支承面的平面度应在0.3mm以内,各支承面应在同一水平面上,其平面度要求在0-3mm之间。
1. 半浮动式模块的安装位置应尽量远离固定式模块。
2. 模块与基础及支承面的连接,可用螺栓连接或焊接。焊接时应注意焊机的接地,当模块底板与基础 焊接时,焊机应在基础上接地,当模块顶板与支承面焊接时,焊机应在支承面上接地。勿使电流通 过传感器,以免损坏传感器。
3. 安装完毕,应将图中支撑螺杆顶部的螺母松开,使套筒挚圈离开支撑板(图中所示为松开状态)。
Top plate shall be safely grounded to avoid any possible current going through the load cell . (焊接时顶板应接地,不可使电流通过传感器。)
1. Adjustment, inspection and maintenance shall be done by professional persons .
2. The device shall be well grounded .
1. 请专业人员调试、检测和维修系统。
2. 请保持本设备良好接地。
1. No hot plugging .
2. Power off before connecting, checking and repair- ing the device .
1. 严禁带电插拔。
2. 请先切断电源,再进行电气设备连接,检修。
A weighing system contains a stationary type weighing module, a semifloating type weighing module and some floating type weigh module. Standard combination:
1. a kit of four modules: one stationary type, one semifloating type and two floating type modules.
2. a kit of three modules: a stationary type, a semifloating type and a floating type module
1. The flatness of each weighing module’s foundation should be less than 0.3mm. All foundations should be in the same horizontal plane and the flatness among them is required between 0-3mm.
2. The flatness of bearing surface connected with the weighing module should be within 0 .3mm . All bearing surfaces should be in the same horizontal plane and the flatness among them should be between 0-3mm.
1. The semi-floating module should be kept away from the fixed module as far as possible.
2. Connecting modules with foundations and bearing surface can use bolting or welding. In welding, pay attention to connect the welding machine with the ground. When welding the base board with foundation, the welding machine should
be connected on the foundation, when welding the top board with and the bearing surface, the welding machine should be connected with ground on the bearing surface. Do not allow current go through the load cells to avoid any damage to load cells
3. After installing, loose the nuts on the top of the bolt to remove the sleeve from supporting board (released state as shown in picture)
1. 四件套: 一只固定式,一只半浮动式,二只全浮动式模块
2. 三件套:一只固定式,一只半浮动式,一只全浮动式模块
SBT- FW称重模块安装基础要求:
1. 每一称重模块的安装基础的平面度应在0.3mm以内,各基础应在同一水平面上,其平面度要求在0-3 mm之间。
2. 与称重模块连接的支承面的平面度应在0.3mm以内,各支承面应在同一水平面上,其平面度要求在0-3mm之间。
1. 半浮动式模块的安装位置应尽量远离固定式模块。
2. 模块与基础及支承面的连接,可用螺栓连接或焊接。焊接时应注意焊机的接地,当模块底板与基础 焊接时,焊机应在基础上接地,当模块顶板与支承面焊接时,焊机应在支承面上接地。勿使电流通 过传感器,以免损坏传感器。
3. 安装完毕,应将图中支撑螺杆顶部的螺母松开,使套筒挚圈离开支撑板(图中所示为松开状态)。
Top plate shall be safely grounded to avoid any possible current going through the load cell . (焊接时顶板应接地,不可使电流通过传感器。)
1. Adjustment, inspection and maintenance shall be done by professional persons .
2. The device shall be well grounded .
1. 请专业人员调试、检测和维修系统。
2. 请保持本设备良好接地。
1. No hot plugging .
2. Power off before connecting, checking and repair- ing the device .
1. 严禁带电插拔。
2. 请先切断电源,再进行电气设备连接,检修。