山东昌隆环保科技有限公司是山东知名企业,常年供应 泵车吊车起重机支腿垫板 HDPE高密度聚乙烯支腿垫,我司生产的支腿垫板采用UHMW/HDPE高分子合成材料或MC尼龙压制而成。超高分子聚乙烯材料垫板四角支撑60mm承压15-18吨/cm以上,可在恶劣环境下正常使用,超载使用宁弯而不断裂。支腿垫由板状的垫板本体和手提绳两部分组成。板状的垫板本体采用UHMW/HDPE高分子合成材料压制而成,手提绳由尼龙材质制成,手提绳的端部嵌入垫板本体中,塑料支腿垫板,以便于运载和布置。公司生产的超高分子量聚乙烯板材连续多年来被评为消费者信得过产品,严格的质量体系培育了大明过硬的质量品牌,聚乙烯支腿垫板,根据用户要求设计各种超高分子聚乙烯产品,可满足不同客户的特殊要求The crane's special leg pad is made of UHMW/HDPE polymer composite material or MC nylon. The ultra-high molecular polyethylene material cushion plate supports 60mm bearing pressure of 15-18 tons/cm or more, can be used normally under harsh conditions, and overloading uses Ning Bend without breaking. The hand rope is made of nylon and the end of the hand rope is embedded in the body of the pad for easy loading and layout.