Bettermann集团是制造电子科技产品的全球首屈一指的生产商之一,产品包括: 电源防雷器、通信网络保护器.防火墙物料、电缆线槽及支持系统、电器连接及固定系统。
公司的生产、分销及服务网络遍布全球, 拉近与五大洲客户的距离, 同时亦为发展及大规模工程项目奠下紧密的合作基础,例如: 在世界各地的交通设施、商业楼宇、通讯装置、工商楼宇的建筑工程项目。OBO 牌子的系列产品是数以百万计的电器工程承建商在安装、连接及固定工作中所采用的,无可替代的产品。
OBO BETTERMANN(Hong Kong)Ltd,是OBO BETTERMANN集团在中国设立的总部。专职负责销售OBO七大系列产品和提供技术服务支持。按照区域划分为香港、北京、郑州、上海、广州、深圳、南京、武汉、长沙、沈阳、成都、杭州等十一个培训中心。
We connect idea with realisation.
Precision is our passion. The OBO quality policy is the basis for safeguarding and enhancing our market position – it is our growth driver. Flexible and efficient in metals, plastics and electronics – true to this guiding principle, every day we convert new knowledge into tangible solutions. That way, we can guarantee that our quality standards are continuously met, from the idea to the realisation. And we also guarantee that our customers’ experience is contributed directly to product development.
Knowledge makes us strong. Applying it properly makes us even stronger. OBO is a hallmark for quality products from proprietary development and manufacture. Products that benefit millions of professionals. Made by professionals for professionals: practical, user-friendly, safe and quickly available. We consistently develop our sophisticated range inhouse, making ongoing modifications to keep abreast of technical progress. Our proprietary Quality Assurance and certified Quality Management system ensure absolute operational reliability and perfect quality, repeatedly tested and certified. An ingenious logistics system guarantees our customers delivery reliability. All this serves one purpose: simplifying the qualified work of professionals, day-by-day.