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CX6100 48G Class4 PoE 4SFP+ 370W 交换机 (JL675A)

价        格:面议   
产品型号: JL675A
有 效 期: 长期有效
所 在 地: 湖北省武汉市

      18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25  26  27  
该公司共有 44条同类“ARUBA 无线产品”信息       查看全部>>

主营:交换机、路由器、防火墙、无线AP及控制器、视频会议、模块、板卡、许可 license、IP电话等!
购买中如有问题请联系销售:赵经理 188 2734 4080

Aruba 6100 48G Class4 PoE 4SFP+ 370W 交换机 (JL675A)   48 个 10/100/1000Base-T 端口 4 个 1/10G SFP 端口 内部(固定)电源 (500W),固定风扇 高达 370W 的 Class 4 PoE

Based on over 30 years of continuous investment, Aruba’s
ASICs create the basis for innovative and agile software
feature advancements, unparalleled performance and deep
visibility. These programmable ASICs are purpose-built
to allow for a tighter integration of switch hardware and
software within campus and data center architectures to
optimize performance and capacity. The Aruba CX 6000 is
based on the Aruba ASIC architecture.


主营:交换机、路由器、防火墙、无线AP及控制器、视频会议、模块、板卡、许可 license、IP电话等!
购买中如有问题请联系销售:赵经理 188 2734 4080

Aruba 6100 48G Class4 PoE 4SFP+ 370W 交换机 (JL675A)   48 个 10/100/1000Base-T 端口 4 个 1/10G SFP 端口 内部(固定)电源 (500W),固定风扇 高达 370W 的 Class 4 PoE

Based on over 30 years of continuous investment, Aruba’s
ASICs create the basis for innovative and agile software
feature advancements, unparalleled performance and deep
visibility. These programmable ASICs are purpose-built
to allow for a tighter integration of switch hardware and
software within campus and data center architectures to
optimize performance and capacity. The Aruba CX 6000 is
based on the Aruba ASIC architecture.


主营:交换机、路由器、防火墙、无线AP及控制器、视频会议、模块、板卡、许可 license、IP电话等!
购买中如有问题请联系销售:赵经理 188 2734 4080

Aruba 6100 48G Class4 PoE 4SFP+ 370W 交换机 (JL675A)   48 个 10/100/1000Base-T 端口 4 个 1/10G SFP 端口 内部(固定)电源 (500W),固定风扇 高达 370W 的 Class 4 PoE

Based on over 30 years of continuous investment, Aruba’s
ASICs create the basis for innovative and agile software
feature advancements, unparalleled performance and deep
visibility. These programmable ASICs are purpose-built
to allow for a tighter integration of switch hardware and
software within campus and data center architectures to
optimize performance and capacity. The Aruba CX 6000 is
based on the Aruba ASIC architecture.


主营:交换机、路由器、防火墙、无线AP及控制器、视频会议、模块、板卡、许可 license、IP电话等!
购买中如有问题请联系销售:赵经理 188 2734 4080

Aruba 6100 48G Class4 PoE 4SFP+ 370W 交换机 (JL675A)   48 个 10/100/1000Base-T 端口 4 个 1/10G SFP 端口 内部(固定)电源 (500W),固定风扇 高达 370W 的 Class 4 PoE

Based on over 30 years of continuous investment, Aruba’s
ASICs create the basis for innovative and agile software
feature advancements, unparalleled performance and deep
visibility. These programmable ASICs are purpose-built
to allow for a tighter integration of switch hardware and
software within campus and data center architectures to
optimize performance and capacity. The Aruba CX 6000 is
based on the Aruba ASIC architecture.

901-R320-WW02 室内千兆 802.11ac Wave 2 Wi-Fi 接入点
901-R320-WW02 室内千兆 802.11ac Wave 2 Wi-Fi 接入点
面议 /台
901-R510-WW00 802.11AC 室内吸顶无线AP
901-R510-WW00 802.11AC 室内吸顶无线AP
面议 /台
901-R610-WW00 双频 802.11ac 室内AP 原装
901-R610-WW00 双频 802.11ac 室内AP 原装
面议 /台



武汉年创信息科技有限公司   地址:洪山区光谷花山软件新城2   
联系人:赵冰寒   电话:18827344080   手机:18827344080   
技术支持:一比多  |  免责声明 | 隐私声明
增值电信业务经营许可证:沪B2-20070060     网站Icp备案号:沪ICP备05000175号
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