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klark teknik DN200 有源DI盒 DN200 Active Stereo DI Box 立体

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有 效 期: 长期有效
所 在 地: 北京市

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klark teknik DN200 有源DI盒 DN200 Active Stereo DI Box 立体声DI盒

DI 盒

主要用于非平衡输入转平衡输出,接调音台48V幻象电源。可降低噪声,同时增加动态范围扩展,处理性能好。DN100 DI 盒 DN200 DI 盒 尺寸 规格: DI盒DN100 DN200宽度142mm深度106mm高度60mm净重0.8KgDN200 Active Stereo DI Box

Building on the success of the company’s highly acclaimed DN Series product line, KLARK TEKNIK has added the new DN200 Multi-Mode Stereo DI box to its product portfolio.

The DN200 Dual-Channel Active DI Box delivers the connectivity and exceptional audio performance customers have come to expect from KLARK TEKNIK plus some innovative new features. Housed in a robust alloy case with the same form factor as the hugely successful DN100 single-channel DI, and further protected by a replaceable silicon sleeve, the DN200 features inputs on pairs of XLR, TRS and RCA sockets, plus a switchable 20 dB pad and ground lift switch.

In addition to the usual applications of a stereo DI, the DN200 can operate in Sum mode, where left and right input signals are merged and routed to both left and right outputs, or Split mode, routing the left input signal to both the left and right outputs. The DN200 supports 24 V to 48 V phantom-power operation.

Configuration Data

Dual-Channel Active Direct Injection BoxRugged Neutrik Combo XLR connectors featuring high-impedance DI jack inputsRCA Phono inputsIndependent phantom power for each channel for maximum reliabilitySum switch optionally routes both inputs to both outputsSplit switch optionally routes left input to both outputsGlobal 20 dB Input Pad and Earth Lift switches24 V to 48 V phantom-powerStackable protective silicone rubber sleeveCompact and rugged designDesigned and engineered by KLARK TEKNIK in EnglandLegal Disclaimer
All trademarks belong to their respective owners.
-->High headroom design with +48 V phantom power for extended dynamic rangeSum and split options for flexible signal routingFully transformer-isolated design ensures electrical separation between PA and stage equipmentBalanced line inputs on Neutrik Combo* XLR and high impedance 1/4' TRS connectorsRCA Phono inputs for connection of consumer audio equipmentIndependent phantom powering for each channel for maximum reliabilityGlobal 20 dB input pad and earth lift switchesAluminium extrusion casing with protective silicone rubber sleeveCompact and rugged design3-Year Warranty Program**Designed and engineered in England



北京声海创新科技公司   地址:双桥东路甲10号楼1单元503B   
联系人:王小茜   电话:13141244200   手机:13141244200   传真:18510209
技术支持:一比多  |  免责声明 | 隐私声明
增值电信业务经营许可证:沪B2-20070060     网站Icp备案号:沪ICP备05000175号
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