SF-2000 LQ40 ESR模具钢是加拿大多利科 (SOREL FORGE STEEL)模具钢。SF-2000 LQ40 ESR模具钢是一款预硬模具钢,为电渣重熔钢,其预硬状态下的洛氏硬度为38-42HRC,布氏硬度为355-390HB,抗拉强度为1202-1322MPa。 SF-2000 LQ40 ESR模具钢具有很好的冲击强度和良好的回火稳定性,大尺寸工件硬度非常均匀。 SF-2000 LQ40 ESR模具钢的特性如下: ? 抛光性; ? 好的机械加工性能; ? 硬度非常均匀; ? 高纯净度,组织均匀; SF-2000 LQ40 ESR模具钢100%经过非常严格的超声波测试,能够确保非常高的质量。 SF-2000 LQ40 ESR模具钢具有非常均匀的成分分布和金相组织。均匀的回火马氏体和贝氏体组织保证材料具有优异的抛光特性。SF-2000 LQ40 ESR经一台5000吨宽体锻压机进行锻造,从而确保钢坯中心在锻造过程中能够达到的变形。SF-2000 LQ40 ESR模具钢在锻造过程中经过特别的致密化锻打过程,确保了中心组织的致密度。SF-2000 LQ40 ESR模具钢是一种优异的蚀纹材料,电渣重熔工序去除了几乎所有的偏析,SF-2000 LQ40 ESR模具钢的高纯净度保证了高质量表面。高淬性确保了加工表面的硬度。超低硫含量,非常均匀的显微组织,保证了SF-2000 LQ40 ESR模具钢在经过合理的抛光工序后会达到SPI A-1级的表面质量。
About Sorel Forge Sorel Forge with headquarters in Quebec, Canada, are specialists in the production of large-size forged steel products with a unit weight of up to 27,000kg. Using state-of-the-art technologies and with over 75 years of experience, Sorel Forge is one of the leading producers of open-die forgings in Canada. The company's own melting, forging, heat treatment as well as machining, testing and inspection plants and facilities provide a diverse product range of high-quality forged products of a homogeneous hardness and stable microstructure. Customers around the world in the automotive industry, mining, power as well as the petroleum and gas industry, manufacturing and petrochemistry profit from the modified, pre-hardened tool steel engineered for their applications.