6台垂直格栅每台宽2m,栅条净距25 mm。
8台曲面格栅设在沉砂池的端部。每台格栅宽度1.2m,栅条曲率半径2.0 m,栅条净距10m。
Jining daygeneral equipment co., LTD. Is a company engaged in water treatment equipmentproduction, sales integration enterprise, after continuous efforts won thedemand of the market both at home and abroad, won the customer consistent
highpraise. Over the years, the company has always adhered to the concept ofinnovation, quality, service, dedication and gratitude. Adopt new ideas, strictquality, all-round service tracking, insist on making high-quality products. Mycompany main products:
water treatment equipment, sewage treatment equipment,wastewater treatment, industrial wastewater, agricultural wastewater, rainwater purification equipment, hospital sewage equipment, steel plant wastewater equipment, slaughterhouse wastewater treatment equipment,
food factorywaste water treatment equipment and other equipment, can professional customaccording to the water treatment equipment.
The way water istreated includes physical processing and chemical treatment. The ways in whichhuman water treatment have been years of history, physical methods includingthe use of a variety of different aperture size, the filter
material usingadsorption or blocking way, exclude the impurities in the water, the adsorptionmode of less important for adsorption on activated carbon, blocking method isthrough the water, the filter material for large impurity cannot pass, and getmore clean
water. In addition, the physical method also includes precipitationmethod, which is to make the impurity of the smaller proportion floating in thewater, or the impurities of the larger proportion are deposited in the lower,and thus obtained. Chemical method
is to use various chemicals to the waterimpurities into smaller material harm to the human body, or the impurityconcentration, the oldest of the chemical treatment method should be use alumin the water, the water impurities after collection, volume change,
used tofilter method, remove the impurities.
Municipal sewagetreatment works (hypoxia + traditional activated sludge method)
A sewagetreatment plant is a large sewage treatment plant built in dalian. Theconstruction of the plant introduces key technologies, monitoring devices andequipment to improve the efficiency of sewage treatment, make full use of
theenergy of biomass, save energy, save land, reduce project cost and operationcost.
The processdesign of the wastewater treatment plant is based on the comparison of variousprocess schemes, and the design scheme of air blast aeration is still selected.The reason is that the large sewage treatment plant is simple
and reliable. Thesewage treatment plant XiaoHua absorbed foreign advanced technology, for eachsingle structure and detailed scheme of sewage and sludge treatment wereimproved, such as feed water pump house and the automatic control of sewagequantity measurement,
washing sand sand, mud concentration control, whiteaccused of dissolved oxygen, ammonia denitrification technology, new technologyof the second pond, the water tank, the digester throw mud way, large biogasdigester of stirring, biogas power generation booster
networking, biogas boilerand mud valve, adjustable weir, fine grille and other advanced technology havebeen applied in the factory.
Four series arethe factory sewage treatment system, four round pond, line, at the beginning offour aeration ChiZu narita glyph, eight the second pond is located in the southarea of the plant near the north river, pond drainage treatment,
water can rowto the nearest river. The sludge treatment area is located in the northwestcorner of the factory, and the five digesters form the plum blossom shape, andthe control room of sludge treatment is in the center of 5. There are twobiogas storage tanks,
sludge dewatering machine room and biogas generator room.
Main structureand equipment parameters:
1. Inlet grille
Grille is thefirst pre-treatment facility for sewage treatment plants. The factory has 6vertical grille, controlled by computer program. High water level grilledecontamination machine will work continuously, carrying grille intercept
thescum of the belt conveyor with interlocking operation grille decontaminationmachine, after all the grille to stop working, belt conveyor will continue torun for a period of time.
6 verticalgrille for each width of 2m, grid strip distance of 25 mm.
2. Inlet pumproom
Set up 6 hlwb-10vertical turboshell mixed pump, 5 with 1 backup.
Water pumpparameters: 1.32m3 / second, lift 13.2 m, electric mobility rate 260kw.
The pump roomhas 6 control water level, control the operation of 5 pumps. In order to avoidthe repeated starting of individual pump load, the water pump will becirculated in turn. When a pump fails to work, another pump will beautomatically
put into operation.
3. Curved grille
The 8 curved grilleis located at the end of the sink. The width of each grille is 1.2 m, thecurvature radius of the grating is 2.0m and the grid bar is 10m.
The cleaningaction of each grille is controlled by computer according to the water levelsimulation signal. When the water level is at the normal value, the cleaningwork will be determined by the setting time; When the current water
leveldifference exceeds the set value, the cleaning work will be carried outcontinuously. If the clean-up operation is too long, the computer will send analarm signal.
The scum of thecurved grille falls onto the belt conveyor, the belt conveyor runs with thegrille cleaning machine interlock, the transport plane will still run for sometime after the decontamination work stops.
4. The gritchamber
There are 6corridors in the aeration and settling pit, with each length 30m, 4m wide and4.3m deep, and the water retention time is about 6min.
The tank has aVIBRAIR aerator of 648 and air supply of 5,184 cubic meters per hour. There aretwo sand suction work Bridges in the whole pool, and each work bridge has threeair lift equipment, which is responsible for the sand absorption
of threecorridors. The polluted sand water is hoisted to the washing trough. Afterstirring, the organic matter comes back into the inlet pump room with thewashing water, and the sand water is sent to the sander for furtherdehydration. The sand control machine
is located at the top of the upperbuilding of the inlet pump room so that the sand can be transported by thesand.
The sand suctionwork bridge is controlled by the travel switch, which has the slag removalfacilities to remove the dregs in the tank. The air lifting device requires theinjection of continuous work, controlled by computer. When the
air compressorfails, the standby machine can automatically input. The operation state of aircompressor, sand separating machine and pump is monitored by computer.
5. At thebeginning of pond,
Pond, once atthe beginning of design for rectangular and circular two kinds of schemes, fromaspects of the operation and management, covering and concrete consumptioncomparison, think circular radial flow sedimentation tank equipment
andreliable operation, easy management, so the four with peripheral driving bridgetype mixed scraper radial sedimentation basin, 60 m in diameter and depth of4.5 m, precipitation time 2.26 h.
The key to theinitial sink operation is the sludge discharge, and the four pools rotate themud in turn by computer control. Each dredge valve operates automatically byfrequency/time. The power/time will be adjusted according to the
concentrationof sludge and the flux of the monitor. The dredge valve is divided into twoparts, and the electric valve is enabled. The discharge valve is a manual adjustablelift valve, which is a non-standard equipment.
6. Sludge pumproom
A sludge pumproom was established between two initial sinks to prevent the sludge systemfrom being blocked. Installation GF single screw pump 4, two pump room with 8sludge pump. Sludge pump according to the frequency of kuang j q
automaticoperation, and adjusted by a computer, two sludge pump room, alternately in thepump room is equipped with the sludge concentration at the exit to simulatemeasurement device, sludge thickener in before
Flow detection.These signals will then be used to calculate the amount of sludge emitted bythe computer to adjust the duration of the frequency and mixing of the sludge.