【全国统一百达翡丽(Patek Philippe)客服电话:400-859-7757】专业维修一对一透明维修,当面检查,当面定价,面对面维修,立等可取。拨打电话预约可享免费检测网络电话预约
170多年前,安东尼?百达(Antoine Norbert de Patek)和阿德里安?翡丽(Adrien Philippe)凝聚两人的非凡才能,立志开发、打造'全世界较好的时计'。今日,对高端钟表工艺的追求仍然使百达翡丽非凡出众。探寻百达翡丽170多年的历史,见证我们为女性制作超卓女式时计的永恒承诺,百达翡丽时计已成为近两个世纪以来杰出女性的不二选择
2. 皮质的手表应尽量避免接触到水,以免表带变硬、发臭,进而导致断裂的结果。
3. 手表若发生异状的时候,应立即就近送至专门的钟表店检查
4. 自动表必须在活动量足够的情况下,即每日必须佩戴10小时以上。
5. 不同的场所应佩戴不同的手表,如运动时较好选用防水及耐震性能良好的运动手表,机械手表不适合运动佩戴。
6. 表盖上若有标示:WATER RESESTENT或者3ATM的手表表示其防水程度仅限于无压力下的水花或小雨。生活防水的手表大多属于这种防水类型。
7. 特别提醒大家,任何手表均不宜在温水或浴室中佩戴,哪怕您的手表是防水手表,因为手表的密封圈是橡胶,高温容易老化,而且四周的水蒸气分子都比较小,很容易渗入表里,造成内部机械的损坏
8. 由于每种手表的内部机械的构造都不同,在正常使用的状态下,机械表或自动表的误差为每日30秒内,而石英表误差较低也比较准确。
How to diagnose
automatic fault related problems, today is your weapon, mechanical watch is a relatively easy problem, here is how the common fault diagnosis and automatic mechanical watches, troubleshooting and maintenance of watches.
1, in the renovation of automatic mechanical watches before judgment for fault mechanism of automatic mechanical watch before, or for the automatic mechanical watches itself, especially the driving mechanism and the automatic.
2, with a hand winding mechanism of automatic watch, should first check through the hands of the driving mechanism is normal, in the process of a positive rotation handle, if observed a bounce on the wheel teeth and feel Ling sunburn is by tightening ring, show the original the actuator is basically normal.
3, when the spring is tightened after all, though in a box spring slippage is within the normal range, because the spring automatic watch is different from the common mechanism of watch spring, it added a pair of spring in the main spring, spring has some side of the outer hook box round wall opening arc monk.
4, experts pointed out that when the driving mechanism of automatic mechanical watches these measures are in order to prevent the wound up, still on the formation mechanism of automatic overload and damage parts. Wound up to a certain degree of slippage, which can ensure the output torque of the wind, and does not interfere with the automatic continuous working mechanism.
In 5,
did not set a hand on the automatic watch mechanism, screw screwdriver into the big monk can form a steel wheel screw, rotating the wound up, if still look and feel.
6, the above two kinds of circumstances, is that mechanical driving mechanism is normal, otherwise it should be before the maintenance agencies out of the automatic mechanism of fault, and then the automatic maintenance mechanism. Automatic mechanism for avoiding repeated disassembly.
7, check the automatic mechanism is out of trouble. Automatic rotary hammer, if the transmission of automatic mechanism of flexible pawl in large steel gear on the bounce, indicates that automatic mechanism is basically normal.
8, if the automatic hammer when rotating manipulator mechanism parts attached to rotate together, then disconnect device is out of order, when the hand when the automatic high speed hammer appears that another automatic line disconnect device, disconnect device) is wrong.
watch maintenance:
1 display watch the best place to place the desiccant, but avoid using mothballs, pest control agent and other chemicals.
2 leather watch should avoid contact with water, to avoid watchband hard, smelly, which led to the results of the fracture.
When if there is abnormal
3 watch, should be immediately sent to the nearest watchmaker check
4 automatic table must be in sufficient condition, that is, the daily must be worn for more than 10 hours.
5 different places should wear different watches, such as sports watch waterproof and good seismic performance the best selection of sports, sports wear is not suitable for mechanical watches.
6 table cover if marked: WATER RESESTENT or 3ATM Watch said the waterproof degree only under the pressure of the water or rain. Most of life's waterproof watch is waterproof type.
7 to remind you that any watches are not worn in warm water or in the bathroom, even if your watch is waterproof watches, watches as the sealing ring is rubber high temperature, easy to aging, and the water vapor molecules around are relatively small, it is easy to penetrate inside and outside, the internal mechanical damage
8 due to the structure of the internal machinery of each watch are different, in the normal use of the state, the machine table or automatic table error is 30 seconds per day, while the quartz table error is relatively low and more accurate.
百达翡丽(Patek Philippe)全国各地区维修点:
维修故障:百达翡丽手表进水处理 百达翡丽手表走时不准调校 百达翡丽电池更换;
手表保养:百达翡丽手表打磨抛光 百达翡丽手表划痕处理 百达翡丽手表机芯保养;
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