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产品型号: CEL-350
有 效 期: 长期有效
所 在 地: 四川省攀枝花市

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该公司共有 5条同类“噪音计/声级计”信息       查看全部>>
 CEL-350 dBadge个人噪音剂量计,用于工作场所个人噪音曝露量测量,测量并记录工作场所所有的噪音参数。简单的2键操作,重量仅68克。32小时电池寿命,充电仅需90分钟。具有自动校准功能,测量数据通过红外接口下载到计算机,dB35专用分析软件。
  本安型CEL-350/IS dBadge个人噪音剂量计,符合ATEX EEx ia I M1, EEx ia IIC T4 II 1 G的要求。适用于危险场所的噪声监测,如矿区、印刷厂、石油化工厂等需要安全监测仪器的场所。CEL-350/IS本安型个人噪音剂量计系列,具有与CEL-350系列相同的配置和其他技术性能。
线性工作范围 65.0-140.3dB RMS
峰值测量范围 95.0-143.3dB Peak
频率加权 RMS:A加权;Peak:C, A, Z(线性)
时间加权 慢速,快速,脉冲加权
幅值加权 Q=3 & Q=5
可选限值 2个(70-90dB),1dB递增
可选判则 1个(70-90dB),1dB递增
存储容量 64kB(180小时测量)
校准信息 校准日期,时间和声压级
安全 通过按键加锁
电源 内置NiMH电池
电池寿命 32小时
尺寸 72×47×52(含防风罩)
重量 68g
数据存储器 非易失存储器,可保存10年
显示 LCD图形显示,96×26点阵
PC输出 红外下载电缆(标配),dB35软件
适用标准 IEC 61252:2002个人噪音曝露量计
  ANSI S1.25:1991个人噪音剂量计
ISO LAeq, LCpeak, LAEP,d
  Pa2Hours Projected %dose(Q=3)
OSHA LAavg(Q=5), LZpeak, LASmax, %dose(Q=5)
  TWA Projected %dose(Q=5)
常规参数 LAFmax, LAFmin, LAImin, LApeak
时间曲线 LAeq,LZpeak,LCpeak,LAavg(Q=5),1分钟间隔
储存 同时存储所有参数
储存环境 -10℃~+50℃,30%-90% RH
工作温度 0℃~+40℃
CEL-350 dBadge个人噪音剂量计
标准套装 CEL-350 dBadge,声校准器,携带箱,红外下载电缆,dB35软件,鳄鱼夹/别针佩带组件,3通道充电器,校准证书,使用手册。
CEL-350/K1 标准套装含:1个CEL-350 dBadge,1个3通道充电器
CEL-350/K2 标准套装含:2个CEL-350 dBadge,1个3通道充电器
CEL-350/K3 标准套装含:3个CEL-350 dBadge,1个3通道充电器
CEL-350/K6 标准套装含:6个CEL-350 dBadge,1个3通道充电器和1个充电扩展单元
CEL-350/K12 标准套装含:12个CEL-350 dBadge,1个3通道充电器和3个充电扩展单元
The CEL-300 series of convertible sound meters consist of the CEL-350 Micro Noise Dosimeter, CEL-320 and CEL-360 personal noise dosimeters and the CEL-320S and CEL-360S convertible sound level meters
CEL-350 dBadge Micro Noise Dosimeter
  • personal noise dosimeter with integral microphone
  • no cables to get tangled up
  • measures everything for later analysis with dB35 software
  • user selectable OSHA or ISO display mode for results during run
  • up to 32 hours battery life from single charge
  • NiMH battery pack with 90 min recharge from empty
  • auto calibration to set level when calibrator applied to microphone
  • up to 180 hours total memory time in up to 180 separate runs
  • stores both Q=5 and Q=3 dose histograms so that anything can be calculated after download to pc
  • time history profiling of 4 parameters
  • selectable alarm for noise exposure exceedance warning
  • lockable buttons for security during run
  • variety of mounting clips provided as standard
  • user selectable display languages from Eng, Fre, Ger, Ita or Spa
  • ideal for multiple kits for medium to larger users


shown as CEL-350
(Click on image for more details)

Part # CEL-350 dBadge
micro noise dosimeter

CEL-320 Noise Dosimeter or CEL-320S Convertible Sound Meter
  • ANSI Type 2 accuracy
  • convertible dosimeter and sound meter by simply exchanging microphone
  • 30 to 140 dB measurement range in 3 overlapping 70dB spans
  • Fast, Slow and Impulse time weightings plus separate peak channel
  • A, C and Lin frequency weightings
  • storage for up to 50 separate measurement runs (events)
  • preconfigured with OSHA, MSHA, DoD, ACGIH, ISO85, ISO90 and METER setup protocols
  • up to thirteen extra user definable measurement setups to allow customization of unit
  • stores actual noise dose, 8 hour projected noise dose%, overall average level, maximum level, minimum level, peak level, 5 LN% levels
  • two threshold levels settable between 70 and 90 dB
  • single criterion level between 80 and 90 dB
  • direct printing of preformatted reports to standard office printers
  • available with setup and download Windows software for the PC
  • upgradeable to CEL-360 Logging version by return to CEL service center
Shown as CEL-320
(Click on image for more details)
cel-320  dosimeter

Part # CEL-320 dosimeter

CEL-360 Logging Noise Dosimeter or CEL-360S Convertible Logging Sound Meter
  • ANSI Type 2 accuracy
  • convertible dosimeter and sound meter by simply exchanging microphone
  • 30 to 140 dB measurement range in 3 overlapping 70dB spans
  • Fast, Slow and Impulse time weightings plus separate peak channel
  • A, C and Lin frequency weightings
  • storage for up to 50 separate measurement runs (events)
  • preconfigured with OSHA, MSHA, DoD, ACGIH, ISO85. ISO90 and METER setup protocols
  • up to thirteen extra user definable measurement setups to allow customization of unit
  • stores actual noise dose, 8 hour projected noise dose%, overall average level, maximum level, minimum level, peak level, 5 LN% levels
  • two threshold levels settable between 70 and 90 dB
  • single criterion level between 80 and 90 dB
  • logs up to 10 parameters at user selectable intervals
  • logging intervals from 1 sec to 1 hour
  • total of more than 220,000 data point storage of logged results
  • 16 sets of delay run timers up to a month in advance
  • direct printing of preformatted reports to standard office printers
  • available with setup and download Windows software for the PC


Shown as CEL-360
(Click on image for more details)
cel-360 logging dosimeter

Part # CEL-360 logging dosimeter


CEL-350 Noise dosimeter
(Click on dosimeter image for more information)
CEL-6350 3 way charger unit
(Click on image to view full size)

Part # CEL-350 dosimeter Part # CEL-6350 Master 3 way charger unit
CEL-350 single micro noise dosimeter kit
(Click on dosimeter image to view full size)

CEL-350 micro noise dosimeter x 3
CEL-110/2 calibrator
CEL-6350 charger unit
CEL-6355 kit case
CEL-6357 dB35 software
193200B IR adapter

Example display screen from dosimeter

Part # CEL-350/K3 dosimeter kit Graphic screen displays
CEL-320 Noise dosimeter
(Click on dosimeter image to view full size)
cel-320 dosimeter
CEL-320S Sound level meter
(Click on sound meter image to view full size)
cel-320s sound level meter
Part # CEL-320 dosimeter Part # CEL-320S sound level meter
CEL-320 noise dosimeter typical kit
cel-320/k1 dosimeter kit

CEL-320 noise dosimeter
CEL-110/2 calibrator
CEL-6225 windscreen
CEL-6682 kit case
CEL-6702 dB10 software
C6671 serial RS232 cable

Example direct printout from dosimeter/sound meter
(Click on printout image to view full size)
example of direct printout from CEL-320
Part # CEL-320/K1 dosimeter kit  
Logging noise dosimeter
(Click on dosimeter image to view full size)
cel-360 dosimeter
CEL-360S Logging sound meter
(Click on sound meter image to view full size)
cel-360s sound level meter
Part # CEL-360 logging dosimeter Part # CEL-360S logging sound level meter
CEL-360 Logging noise dosimeter standard kit
cel-360/k1 dosimeter kit

CEL-360 logging noise dosimeter
CEL-110/2 calibrator
CEL-6225 windscreen
CEL-6682 kit case
CEL-6704 dB12 software
C6671 serial RS232 cable

Example of direct printout from CEL-360 Logging dosimeter
(Click on printout image to view full size)
example direct printout from 360 dosimeter
Part # CEL-360/K1 logging dosimeter kit  
CEL-360 Logging noise dosimeter kit for outdoor recording
cel-6760 and 360 logging dosimeter kit

CEL-6760 kit includes
2 rechargeable batteries
battery charger
CEL-4672 foam windscreen
in waterproof CEL-6760 case

Example of time history profile recording for CEL-360 Logging dosimeter
(Click on graph image to view full size)
time history profile graph from cel-360

Graphical output from CEL-6704 software (dB12)

Part # CEL-6760/K1 Outdoor noise kit case
6 气体检测仪(CH4, Cl2, ClO2, CO, CO2, H2, H2S, HCl)
6 气体检测仪(CH4, Cl2, ClO2, CO, CO2, H2, H2S, HCl)
面议 /个
面议 /个



攀枝花艾尔偌克通信设备有限公司    地址:四川.攀枝花.钒钛产业园区   邮政编码:510000
联系人:袁先生   电话:15884149266   手机:15884149266   传真:0812-00000000
技术支持:一比多  |  免责声明 | 隐私声明
增值电信业务经营许可证:沪B2-20070060     网站Icp备案号:沪ICP备05000175号
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