Transport: Conveyor technique, by customer
Height of conveyor technique: 300 mm
Charging of pallets: Charging direction: lengthwise
Positioning of pallets in the strap area: take place by customer
Number of straps: 1 or 4 vertical straps crosswise to the pallet.
Strapping material: Strap quality: PET – quality for automatic units
Strap width: 16,0 mm
Strap thickness 0.6~ 0,8 mm
Seal: Friction weld seal
Packing item width min. 125 mm
Drive: 6 high-performance DC motors with permanent magnets
Strap transport speed: 3,2 m / s
Time: 15 sec per strap
Electrical equipment: Voltage supply: 230 V, 60 Hz
Power consumption: 10 A
Control system: Siemens S7- 200