钳工平台材质:高强度铸铁HT200-300,工作面硬度为HB170-240,钳工平台经过两次人工处理(人工退火600度-700度或自然时效2-3年)使用该产品的精度稳定,耐磨性能好。 钳工平台作用钳工可以在上面进行各种动力试验、设备调试等工作,钳工平台表面带有T型槽,可以用来固定实验设备。采用采用优质细颗料的灰口铸铁平台制造。工作面硬度为HB170-240,经过两次人工处理(人工退火600度-700度和自然时效2-3年)使钳工平台精度稳定,耐磨性能好,延长了使用寿命。他的工作面采用刮削工艺,具有较好的平面稳定性和韧性,在上面可以加工V形、T形、U形槽和圆孔、长孔等形状工件。
The raw material of the firer plate is the high -strength HT200-300,whose surface hardness is of HB170-240,After the two manual handing such as 600℃ to 700℃ artificial annealing as well as 2 to 3 years of natural aging, the T-slot has plate perfectly resists abrasion and has stable precision.there are T-slots on the surface , which can fit the experiment equipment and machine various shape workpiece, such as V-shape, T-shape, U-shape , round holes and rectangle holes.
The direct of using:
1, before using fitter platform, we should use non-corrosive gas to clean the anti-rust oil and wipe clean with a degreasing cotton,
2, measuring temperature changes cause accuracy errors .fitter platform should be located within a range of 20 ± 5 ℃.
3, fitter platform need to be adjusted with the varitation gauge to the right level and ht load on a surface plate is distributed over the working surface.
4, when used carefully and prevent collisions ASAP.
5, If the surface plate is not required for some days, the surface should be coated anhydrous acidic anti-rust oil, moisture-proof paper cover, and putted in a clean dry place.
6, Fitter platform inspection cycle is up to one year.