电机试验平台用途:试验平台在检定或精密测试中一般用作基准定位面。电机试验平台适用于以涂色法实验工件表面平面度,或作为实验工作的辅助工具。 实验平台刚度指标规定试验平台工作面中央每施加250N(1N=0.102kgf)载荷,平板挠度应不超过1 m。试验时,各级平板的挠度值应不超过00级平板平面度公差值的一半。各种规格的实验平台,在工作面中央的集中载荷区域,施加的额定载荷以及允许挠度值具体指标。
Motor testing plate is used as measuring basis which is applicable to the coloring method test surface flatness, or as experimental work aids.
The raw material of theMotor testing plate is the high -strength HB170-350.After the two manual handing such as 600℃ to 700℃ artificial annealing as well as 2 to 3 years of natural aging, the T-slot has plate perfectly resists abrasion and has stable precision.