T型槽平台用途:主要用来固定工件,是钳工工人用来调试设备,装配设备,维修设备的基础工作平台。 T型槽平台的生产过程为 :做型—铸造—机床加工—刮研—检验—包装—发货或入库。 平台在生产的过程中需要经过两次回火处理,然后上机床加工,最后人工刮研。经过两次回火后平台的精度更加稳定,耐磨性能更好,人工刮研可以使铸铁T型槽平台达到理想的精度。
T型槽平台T型槽平台 材质:高强度铸铁HT200-300工作面硬度为HB170-240,经过两次人工处理(人工退火600度-700度和自然时效2-3年)使用该产品 的精度稳定,耐磨性能好。
T-slot plate are mainly used as fitting workpieces. Which is the fadation plate of adjustng, assembling and reparing equipments.
The raw material of the cast iron T-slot is the high -strength cast iron HT200-300 ,whose surface hardness is of HB170-240.After the two manual handing such as 600℃ to 700℃ artificial annealing as well as 2 to 3 years of natural aging, the T-slot has plate perfectly resists abrasion and has stable precision.
Precision accuracy:T-slot plates shall be classified as Grade 0, Grade 1, Grade 2, and Grade 3.
Technical requirements of T-slot Plate:
1.The working surface, when inspected visually, shall be free from blowholes, sand holes, cracks, slag inclusions scratches, porous patches and other visual flaws.
2.The working surface shall be clean and uniform and the other sides shall be painted well.
3,the plugging of blowholes or porous patches in the working surface whose accuracy is Grade 0- Grade 3 with material of a similar composition is permitted provided that such a repair does not affect stability or accuracy.
4,The raw material of Cast Iron Surface Plate shall be the close-grained cast iron whose hardness is of HB 170~220.
5, the surface plate are usually adopted the scraping technology.
6, the surface plate after scraping technology need coloring method for inspection.