试验平台:上面可以有孔或T型槽,用来固定工件,和清理加工时产生的铁屑或放以固定销。也可以设计成平面。试验平台材质:高强度铸铁HT200-HT300工作台一般硬度为HB170-240,加工成品之前必须经过两次人工退火处理,去除其内应内。根据需方的要求在工作面上加工T型槽、圆孔、长孔等。并预留地脚螺栓孔 实验平台 适用于各种检验工作,精度测量用的基准平面,用于机床机械检验测量基准。检查另件的尺寸精度或形为偏差,并作精密划线,在机械制造中也是不可缺少的基本工具。
试验平板的优点 试验平板:
1. 耐潮,耐腐蚀、不用涂油、不生锈、不褪色。
2. 温度系数,基本不受温度影响。
3. 几乎不用保养,能迅速容易地清洁/擦拭,精度稳定性好。
4. 一律是最坚硬的面。
5. 光滑的“轴承”面,不着土,耐磨,无磁性
Testing Surface Plate
There are holes and T slots on the Testing Surface Plate to fixed artifacts and clean the process of scrap iron on it. It can also be made into plain type without T slots.
The material of Cast Iron Testing Plate is high-strength cast iron HT200 and HT250. After two times’ artificial heat aging treatment( Artificial annealing temperature 600℃ to 700℃or 2-3 years natural aging) the internal stress was totally eliminated, so the surface plate have stable accuracy and good wear-resisting performance.
Cast Iron Testing Surface Plate is always used as the datum for measurement of the machinery parts’ geometric tolerance,such as flatness, parallelism, straightness and more. It is also can be used for precision inspection, marking out (layout), and tooling setup. It is an indispensable basic equipment in most mechanical manufacturing industries.