万灵霸 S-838 SM 功能性特级节能环保汽油发动机油,由加拿大万灵霸革命性高科技润滑技术研发的独特配方结合加氢处理的基础油调制而成。其卓越独特的抗磨性能可提供全季节气候的润滑保护并提高对车辆的投资回报率。
Liquid Bearing S-838 SM Super Energy Saving Gasoline Engine Oil is blended using Hydro-Treated base oil, special SM grade additives, and a blend of the Liquid Bearing Advanced Canadian Lubricant Technology. Liquid Bearing S-838 will increase vehicle performance and provide superior all-season, all-weather lubricant protection for your vehicle investment.
Excellent detergency characteristics, continuously removes engine sludge, carbon deposits, varnish and other sediment. Effectively eliminate emissions.
Excellent low-temperature properties to help reduce the friction and wear of engine cold starts.
Superior anti-wear lubricating properties, easy to deal with harsh conditions, extend engine life.
Resists viscosity loss even under high temperatures, to maintain fluid film lubrication and effectively increase engine performance.