MQAEJ、QAEJ系列电磁制动三相异步电动机是取代MYUEJ、YUEJ系列的更新换代产品。它的结构有 QA系列电动机和电磁制动器组合而成。它是工业现代化的一种理想的驱动装置,由于它具有功率范围大、结构简单、噪音小、制动时间短、制动性能可靠、安装尺寸(除总长外)与基本系列相同等优点,广泛应用于木工机械、齿轮减速及各种金属切削机床、轻工生产线、纺织机械、化工机械、建筑行业等
1、电机符合下列标准 国际电工委员会IEC34、IEC72 澳大利亚标准AS1359-2 英国标准BS4999-5000 德国标准DIN42673 符合欧共体 “CE”标记要求
电机符合GB755(idt IEC 60034-1)、GB10069(neq IEC 60034-9)、Q/JBQS28
2、优越的电机性能 低噪音、低振动 通过优化设计及工艺的改进,MQAEJ、QAEJ系列电机在噪音、振动有了大幅度降低,并达到国际先进水平。
高性能的防护等级 电机的标准设计防护等级为IP55,可按客户要求提供更高要求的防护等级。
高效率 电机采用优化设计,具有较高效率,可产生可观的节能效果。
3、合理的结构设计 结构与原理
MQAEJ、QAEJ系列电磁制动三相异步电动机,其直流圆盘制动器安装在电动机非轴伸端的端盖上。工作原理是:当电机接入电源时,制动器的整流器同时接通电源,由于电磁吸力作用,电磁铁吸引衔铁并压缩弹簧,制动盘与衔铁、端盖脱开,电机运转,当切断电源时,制动器电磁铁失去电磁吸力,弹簧力推动衔铁压紧制动盘,在摩擦力矩的作用下, 电机立即停止转动。电磁制动器的励磁电压为直流205伏,整流器电源为交流220伏。
电机接线盒的安装方式可在电机顶部、左侧 、右侧,接线盒自身可旋转安装,71-132机座的接线盒可旋转4*90方向。160及以上机座接线盒可旋转2*180方向。用户在订货时必须标明接线盒及出线孔方向。
电机图纸请致电索取 使用条件:海拔不超过1000M M2JA系列 环温在-15℃-40℃ 电压、频率和工作方式 工作电压:220-240V 380-420V 660-690V 额定频率:50HZ 绝缘等级:F 工作方式:连续(S1) 轴承:哈尔滨轴承
型号说明 QAEJ系列使用进口制动器 A类制动器-德国Lenze制动器 防护等级IP54 MQAEJ系列使用国产制动器 B类制动器-国产制动器 防护等级IP23
MQAE,QAEJ series electromagnetic brake theree paase induction motors are newly developed product based upon QA series three phase induction motors according to the requirements of market and customers .The product has advantages such as simple construction,easy maintenance,low noise,rapid braking,larger output rage,short brake lag time,reliable braking performance and excellent availability,etc.,they are widely used in wood processing machinery,gear reducers and machine tools,light industrial machinery,textile machinery,chemical machinery and construction industry,etc.
1.These motors are built to comply with current International Standards. (1) International Electro-techinical Commission-IEC 60034 and IEC 60072. (2) British Standard-BS 4999_. (3) Austrlian Standard-AS 1359-2. (4) German standard-DIN 42673.
2.These motors are built to comply with current National Standrads. (1) GB 755 (2) GB 10069 (3) Q/JBQS34
Mechanical Design
1.Construction and Principle
The Dc disk-brake of the MQAE,QAEJ series motors is mounted on the endshield at the nondrive end. The principle for the brake is when power is on, the electromagnetic brake starts up. By the action of electromagnetic force,the iron core attracts the armature and compresses the spring,when the brake disk is separated from the armature and end shield,the otor begins to run .When power is off, the iron core of the brake loses electromagnetic force,when the armature is pulled by the spring to compress the brake disk ,the motor is stopped at once by the moment of fraction .Rated voltage of the electromagnetic brake is 205V(DC).Supply voltage of the rectifier si 220v(AC).
2.Thrminal boxes Thrminal boxes are mounted either on the top ,or on either side of the motor The terminal box of motors sizes 71 to 132 can be turned 4*90' and in motors sizes 160*225rotated 2*180'.To enable the supply of suitable terminations for the motor ,please state cable type ,quantity and size when ordering.
3.Polished outward appearance The external design of the motors is consistent wiht the design of the ABB"M2000"family.The frame,cooling ribs,terminal box and fan cover have been reshaped to meet customer's design preference. |