
深圳市凯拓机电设备有限公司 与您一起分享
Single materials plate carrying platform
At secondary side of the handle and is expected to stand between platforms,广州坦克链, can carry JEDEC tray,龙骨坦克链, micro material plate size. In addition,Y轴龙骨坦克链, because single tray platform can simple measures, so you can easily corresponds to the circuit board size. After installation, according to the automatic identification, position can be confirmed.

深圳市凯拓机电设备有限公司 ——合作诚信,XP142坦克链,严细恒近。
New image in which time, don't waste components and is in a state of drain suction nozzle can choose 4 kinds of processing actions of 'not abandoned mount', production process part or all of the components in the data when not on the machine can also be simply create component data while the production of 'support the trial production of 2 kinds of function to support production.

广州坦克链_凯拓机电_Y轴龙骨坦克链由深圳市凯拓机电设备有限公司提供。深圳市凯拓机电设备有限公司(www.smtpark.net)是广东 深圳 ,电子、电工产品制造设备的翘楚,多年来,公司贯彻执行科学管理、创新发展、诚实守信的方针,很大限度的满足客户需求。在凯拓机电领导携全体员工热情欢迎各界人士垂询洽谈,共创凯拓机电更加美好的未来。