
Also corresponding implementation does not sto.p supply of components of strip splice. Corresponding feeder is the swing arm is material box, material with which to display validation or is expected to roll out and strip concatenation operation.
The OUT side of the circuit board handling orbit is equipped with a buffer function, can be null to the process of the circuit board after waiting time.
——KaiTa electromechanical to share with you(凯拓机电与你一起分享)
Also corresponding implementation does not sto.p supply of components of strip splice. Corresponding feeder is the swing arm is material box, material with which to display validation or is expected to roll out and strip concatenation operation.
The OUT side of the circuit board handling orbit is equipped with a buffer function, can be null to the process of the circuit board after waiting time.
——KaiTa electromechanical to share with you(凯拓机电与你一起分享)
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