Due to THE unique "ON - THE - VISION" system and rotating head 富士XP143联轴器报价, implements THE SMT in THE cycle time of 0.165 seconds. In addition 联轴器, don't like the original suction nozzle type more to learn at the same time as the premise 原装富士XP143联轴器, reduce because of the types of circuit boards and the type of the element and the operation rate of change. Can maintain a high output.
种类 Spec1 Spec2 Spec3
供料平台 MFU-X10E 标准配置 标准配置
固定 标准配置
废料带切刀 标准配置 标准配置 标准配置
废料带BOX 标准配置 标准配置
LCD触摸屏 标准配置 标准配置 标准配置
对应AA模式 选择配置
吸嘴自动更换器 选择配置 选择配置 选择配置
对应BGA,CSP 选择配置 选择配置 选择配置
