(PCV = Pressure Control Valve )压力调节阀 也就是压力释放阀即是锅炉中的先于安全门泄压的阀门,一般电厂常用美国VTI工厂配套的PCV(ERV)电子释放阀较多,PCV阀ER电子释放阀现场称呼的PCV阀特别是与crosby安全阀配套使用的PCV阀实际美国VTI工厂配套的ERV电子释放阀
PCV阀门维修后的安装位置及作用:安装在锅炉过热器联箱出口蒸汽管道上,作用跟对空排气是一样(一般安装在过热器出口对空排气门前,因为它的动作压力要比对空排气动作压力低) 。主要是主蒸汽压力高时根据你整定的压力来自动开启,但它作用直接;过热蒸汽直排大气,无需减温,方式简单。 主要作用是减少安全阀的动作次数,压力高,PCV阀先打开卸压,整定压力比安全阀稍低一些,如果卸压不及时,安全阀在动作,如果压力下来了,安全阀就不动作了。 PCV阀全开过程仅需零点几秒,动作快速,可保证锅炉安全门不动作,特别是为同时进行的快开汽机旁路、降低燃烧强度、维持汽包水位等一系列复杂控制赢得了宝贵的缓冲时间。虽然PCV阀在动作过程中损失了部分工质(是这种方式的一个缺点,)但PCV阀等效开启时间中过热蒸汽排放损失远低于重新点炉的耗费。 PCV阀除了按设定压力动作以外,还可由运行人员进行远方操作,人工使其开启或回座.操作的灵活性要好得多.详细的PCV阀门维修技术资料敬请来电咨询()
PCV valve repair
PCV valve was carried out maintenance work to be solid, you have the basis of the PCV valve PCV valve repair have more understanding of the basics:
(PCV = Pressure Control Valve) pressure regulating valve that is pressure release valve that is, before the boiler safety valve in the pressure relief valve, generally used power plants supporting U.S. VTI PCV (ERV) are more e-release valve, PCV valve ER e-release valve called the PCV valve site with the crosby safety valve in particular supporting the use of the factory PCV valve VTI supporting the actual U.S. release valve ERV E
Installation location and function: Install header in the boiler superheater outlet steam pipe, the effect is the same with the exhaust air (usually installed in the hot air exhaust outlet on the front as it moves pressure than the air exhaust operation pressure is low.) Main is the main steam pressure is high pressure according to your setting to automatically open, but it effects directly; vertical atmospheric superheated steam, without reducing temperature, is simple. Main role is to act to reduce the number of safety valve, high pressure, PCV valve will open pressure relief valve set pressure slightly lower than that, if relief is not timely, the safety valve in the action, if the pressure down, the safety valve does not move the. PCV valve is fully open process takes only a few tenths, the action fast, you can ensure the boiler safety valve does not act, especially for the fast simultaneous open turbine bypass, lower combustion intensity, maintaining a series of complex control of drum level to win a valuable buffering time. Although the PCV valve in the action part of the process of loss of working fluid (which is a drawback of this approach,) but the PCV valve open time equivalent loss in the superheated steam emissions well below the cost to re-point furnace. PCV valve in addition to other actions by the set pressure, but also for remote operation by the operating personnel, labor to open or back seat. Operational flexibility to be much better.