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Radial SB-2 DI盒批发零售 现场电声乐器原声无源 DI 直插盒 无源立体声ID盒 非平衡输入DI直插盒 无源DI直插

价        格:面议   
产品型号: SB-2
有 效 期: 长期有效
所 在 地: 北京市朝阳区

      51  52  53  54  55  56  57  58  59  60  
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Radial SB-2 DI批发零售 现场电声乐器原声无源 DI 直插盒 无源立体声ID非平衡输入DI直插盒 无源DI直插盒 吉他DI盒 乐器直插盒

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StageBug SB-2 Passive Direct Box

SB-2 现场电声乐器原声无源 DI 直插盒


u 与为大运劢量巡回演出的乐手设计

u 适用于贝司、声学吉他和键盘

u 紧凑的超小型可以放置于吉他箱中

u 紧凑的设计体现在一个?"的辒入接口

u ET-DB3发压器以匹配阻抗并丏可转换平衡信号

u 创新的立体声转单声道并功能

u 隔离辒入和辒出,消除因接地回路产生的噪声

u 标准的 XLR 平衡辒出接口

u 配有接地断开切换断地开关

u 即插即用,易于操作

u 带隔离发压器可消除噪声

u 军用级 14 规格钢材焊接制,使电路板丌会収生扭转

u 底部防滑垫处理,提供物理机械隔离和电气绝缘


u 设备类型:无源 DI 直插盒,发压器耦合

u 通道数量:单通道

u 频率响应:20Hz ~ 20KHz (± 0.5dB)

u 劢态范围:115dB

u 辒入:+20dB

u 总谐波失真:0.005% @ 1kHz

u 相位偏差:3° @ 100Hz; 8° @ 50Hz

u 辒入阻抗:140kΩ

u 辒出阻抗:1kΩ

u 辒入衰减:-10dB

u 尺寸:114 x 47 x 34mm

u 重量:250

Passive Direct Box

The Radial StageBug SB-2? Passive is a high-performance direct box made for players who are on the move! Made to fit inside of a guitar case, the SB-2 is ultra compact yet is feature-packed to ensure great performance on any stage.

The Radial SB-2 is a compact passive direct box that is designed primarily for buffered sources such as active acoustic guitar, keyboard and electric bass. A unique stereo-to-mono merge function enhances functionality by enabling stereo keyboards to be connected and mixed mono to save channels in the PA. Upon testing, the SB-2 exhibits exceptionally linear response and low distortion throughout the desired operating range, proving that size does not necessarily follow performance! The compact design provides the traveling musician with a quality direct box that can be depended upon for the most demanding club gigs.

Passive DI for bass, acoustic and keyboard

Ultra compact to fit in your guitar case

Plug & play easy to use feature set

Transformer isolation eliminates noise

Small size and big performance

The compact design begins with a ?" input and thru-put to feed the on-stage amp. This connects to the custom made Eclipse ET-DB3 transformer which performs the impedance matching and balances the signal. When using extra high output instruments, a -15dB pad can be inserted into the signal path. This enables the SB-2 to be used with active basses and digital pianos that often tend to overload the input side of the interface. An innovative stereo-to-mono merge function provides a convenient way to connect stereo keyboards and computers without having to reset the source for mono operation, saving time and input channels on the PA. The SB-2 output features an XLR wired to the AES standard with pin-2 hot. Once connected, the SB-2 delivers a smooth warm sound reminiscent of older vintage gear. The Eclipse ET-DB3 transformer is magical in its ability to handle extreme signal levels with a natural compression that is pleasing to the ears. The transformer also helps eliminate hum and buzz caused by ground loops by isolating the input from the output. This is augmented with a ground lift switch that lifts pin-1 on the XLR for quiet, professional results.


Audio circuit type: Passive, transformer based

Transformer: Eclipse ET-DB3, 12:1 ratio

Number of channels: 1

Frequency response: 20Hz ~ 20KHz (± 0.5dB)

Dynamic range: 115dB

Total harmonic distortion: 0.005% @ 1kHz

Phase Deviation: 3° @ 100Hz; 8° @ 50Hz

Input Impedance: 140k Ohms, unbalanced

Output Impedance: 1k Ohms, balanced

Maximum Input: +20dB


Input pad, Ground lift

Input Connectors: 1/4"

Output Connectors: XLR


Construction: 14 gauge steel chassis & outer shell

Size (L x W x D): 4.5" x 1,85" x 1.35" (114mm x 47mm x 34mm)

Weight: 0.55 lbs (250 grams)

Shipping size (L x W x D): 8" x 5" x 3" (203mm x 127mm x 76mm)

Shipping weight: 0.8 lbs (365 grams)

Power: Passive, no power required

Conditions: For use in dry locations only between 5°C and 40°C

Warranty: Radial 3-year, transferable




北京声海创新科技科技有限公司   地址:北京市朝阳区   
联系人:王小茜   电话:18618339665   手机:18510209169   传真:18618339665
技术支持:一比多  |  免责声明 | 隐私声明
增值电信业务经营许可证:沪B2-20070060     网站Icp备案号:沪ICP备05000175号
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