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有 效 期: 长期有效
所 在 地: 江苏省苏州市
配送信息: 快递(1.00元)

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1.   可使工件获得多种性能:耐磨、减摩、抗咬合、抗疲劳及耐腐蚀。

2.   可处理几乎所有钢铁件:铸铁、低碳钢、结构钢、模具钢、高速钢及不锈钢。

3.   适用于处理多种类型的产品:曲轴、气缸套、气门、挺柱等多种汽车、摩托车配件、铝合金挤压模、压铸模、各种刀具、齿轮、水泵、液压件、气簧杆、压缩机及纺机零件、不锈钢制品及其它机械产品。

4.   处理温度低(460580℃),工件基本不变形、外观均匀、美丽、可作为产品最终处理。

5.   处理时间短(5min5.0h),可实现连续化作业,保证了生产高效率。

6.   盐浴温度及成分均匀,各种复杂形状及型腔狭缝均能处理,保证了处理效果的高稳定性。

7.   对大气及水质没有污染,经环保部门测定符合工业无污染作业的定义。


a.   NOPOQPQ工艺流程:




1.    发动机零部件:曲轴  凸轮轴  挺杆 挺柱  气门  缸套  活塞环  气缸盖套 

齿轮  螺栓 摇臂

b. 变速箱和传动系统:垫片  齿轮  拨叉  轮毂  衬套  齿轮轴托架

c. 其它:a).离合器零件:支撑盘  花键轴衬套 


c).气弹簧杆  刮雨器

2、机械工程(机床  包装机  专用机械  叉车  制冷机)

   齿轮    拨叉  衬套  法兰  刃具   轴承  滑片  调节阀杆


    轴承  齿轮    调节活塞  模具  滚轮  反螺母  压力活塞  钻床



a.切削刀具:丝锥  钻头  铰刀  铣刀  锯条

b.铝挤压/喷注:活塞  衬套  喷注器  四冲模  挤压模

c.注塑机:活塞  衬套  螺栓  衬套  模具  顶针  司筒

d.锻压机:冲头  模具



   泵体  连节器  轴承  齿轮    凸轮  曲轴  导管  销子  分配器  垫片  螺栓  液压头杆


   杠杆  炮身  齿轮  弹盒  导管    减速螺栓  锁具  拨叉 


   连杆  齿轮    螺母  齿轮轴  泵体  叶轮轴  发动机转 定子  衬套  推动轴承  液压缸杆


   钻杆头  螺母  螺栓  阀体  垫片  推力轴承  气阀  连接头  /  旋塞  


     齿轮    螺母  齿轮轴   导线勾  凸轮  偏心轮  片梭夹   取代老工艺的浅层渗碳零件

Enterprise brief


   Suzhou Tenifer Precise Hardware Ltd. purchases Suzhou very much from abroad being a precise headquarter of enterprise Chinese factory product respond to a lot of Europe and America , Japan etc. turn into "Chinese supporting outside parcel " "made in China " , the investment special field is taught to strongly support down under short-supplied circumstances of supplier from being engaged in Mr. Wang Hong  that precise hardware processes for many years , protecting the research institute expert in enterprises administered by the central authorities- - - - Chinese machinery science research institute Wuhan material on 2008 establishes. Special field be engaged in precise hardware processing the enterprise that fabrication and QPQ process.

The QPQ salt bath compound treatment technology is that the world changes the nature technology intensify new metal salt bath outside most, it seeps into the various element in metal outside , makes whose abrasion resistance and the corrosion stability compete with each other in routine heat treatment and the surface in two kinds different characters salt bath protect technology ready-made tenfold rise. Be a technologys turn to have merit such as hardly becoming deformed , there being no the social effect of pollution , energy conservation at the same time. Our country expert studies after many years of experiment, unique salt bath formula developing out component finally on ones own, not only have broken the exclusive Germany Digaosha company international monopoly to this technology, and be more advanced than Germany in the field of environmental protection nothing social effect of pollution, reach level of international in the lead. That achievement the technology is advanced , the function is advantageous , mass stabilizes but catches with the person extensive consumer welcome, already big area is extended , is become the state-class priority new product, country priority extends a project during 95. And acquisition United Nations invents the award , national scientific and technological progress award being innovative , country environmental protection achievement rewards , Hubei province science and technology rewards , the Hubei province advance of science and technology rewards, ... And so on.

Technology characteristic

 1. May make workpiece gain the various function: Able to endure, anti-attrition, resists to bite the small side  door , resist to become fagged and is able to bear corrosion.

 2. May sell nearly all iron and steel documents at reduced prices: Cast iron , low carbon steel , structural steel , die steel , high-speed steel and stainless steel.

3. Apply to the product handling the various types: Various automobiles , motorcycle accessories , aluminium alloys such as crank shaft , air cylinder cover , air valve , straight of post squeezes a model , the strike a model , various cutter , gear wheel , water pump , hydraulic pressure make spring angry piece, pole , compression engine and spin machine part , stainless steel products and other machinery product.

4. Handle the temperature low (460 ~ 580 ~C), workpiece does not become deformed basically , outward appearance is homogeneous , beautiful, but handle ultimately as the product.

5. Treatment time has owed (5 mins ~ 5.0 hs) , may come true continuing melting school assignment , has swear to produce high efficiency.

6. The salt bath temperature and the component are homogeneous , the various complicated form and the type cavity gorge sew the stability being able to handle equally , having swear to sell result at reduced prices highly.

 7. Do not contaminate to atmosphere and water quality, by that the environmental protection branch determines the definition according with industry there being no the school assignment contaminating.

8. Process flow a. NOPO ? } QPQ process flow:

Preheat-> LT-> oxidizes cooling down->-> wash-> the polishing->oxide-> cooling-> washes

Be new techniques turn to relate to industry at present as  follows: 1, automobile and  motorcycle  1. Engine component and part: The crank shaft axial cam  tappet rod stands post air valve jar cover piston ring cylinder  head cover gear wheel bolt rocker  arm b. Speed change box and drive system: Pad gear wheel shift fork  wheel hub bush gear wheel axis bracket c. Other: A). Clutch part: Prop up set castellated shaft bush b). Brake the system air cylinder , piston c). The gas  spring pole shaves the rain  implement  2, mechanical engineering (machine tool packer  special use machinery carry-scraper refrigerating

   machine) Gear wheel axis shift fork bush flange cutting tool smooth axle bearing movie regulating valve pole

3, iron and steel and mine industry The piston mould trolley the axle bearing gear wheel axis is adjusted opposes nut pressure piston drill machine slide way  4, the labor mould and steel rush the system document a. Cut a cutter: Screwtap bore bit broach milling cutter saw blade b. Aluminium squeezing/ gushes notes: The piston bush gushes notes implement four dies squeezing model c. Injection machine: The piston bush bolt bush mould thimble attends to tube d. Forging press: Formed punch mould e. The typewriter rushes the system steel part  5, hydraulic  pressure industry and public  facilities  The pump body company saves the implement axle bearing gear wheel axis cam  crank shaft conduit pipe pin distributor pad bolt hydraulic pressure head pole  6, defence  industries  The bolt lock utensil reducing the speed allocates the  lever barrel gear wheel ball box  conduit pipe key forking  7,   aerospace industry The connecting rod gear wheel axis nut gear  wheel axis pump body leaf wheel axle engine rotates  the stater bush driving the axle bearing hydraulic pressure jar pole  8, oil well probing , railroad and chemical industry  The head axis the boring bar head nut bolt valve body pad propulsive force axle bearing air valve is linked/ sells cock  9, spinning and weaving machinery The gear wheel axis nut gear wheel axis conducting wire shorter leg cam eccentric wheel movie shuttle grips the shallow tier of acieration part substituting old handicraft

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苏州太尼费尔精密五金有限公司    地址:苏州甪直五谷村   
联系人:王宏   电话:0512-66027950   手机:13626194809   传真:4006868169-13626194809
技术支持:一比多  |  免责声明 | 隐私声明
增值电信业务经营许可证:沪B2-20070060     网站Icp备案号:沪ICP备05000175号
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