Whether you are interested in observing and measuring submilliamp currents in a charged particle beam or thousands of amps resulting from a fault in a major power feeder, you will find a Pearson current monitor to suit your needs. The use of our patented distributed termination technique permits pulse-current monitoring of rise times as short as two nanoseconds. Our current sensor devices of larger inner diameter make possible high voltage current measurement without the risk of voltage breakdown. Several of our current transformer models feature double shielding for greater noise immunity and increased safety in high voltage applications. All models are sealed and are suitable for use in high voltage insulating oil or under vacuum. They can be connected to oscilloscopes, spectrum analyzers, power analyzers, digital voltmeters, analog-to-digital convertors, and a variety of other measuring instruments.
美国皮尔逊(Pearson Electronics)1958年变开始设计和生产监测变压器 经过几十年的发展,产品广泛应用于美国军工、医疗、航空等领域,一直服役于极其复杂的瞬间信号和一些频率周期性信号环境下.奠定了它,高品质的要求。
上海祺煊实业有限公司代理经营皮尔逊(Pearson Electronics),电流测试环系产品,交货及时,价格实惠,以诚信、稳定、优质的服务于客户,做长期的企业路线。电流测试环,国内也称电流互感器或电流传感器,电流互感器的运行情况相当于2次侧短路的变压器,忽略励磁电流,安匝数相等I1N1=I2N2 ,电流互感器一次绕组电流I1与二次绕组I2的电流比,叫实际电流比I1/I2=N2/N1=k。具体代理型号为:2877 , 4100 , 2100 , 3100 , 150 , 325 , 2878
Whether you are interested in observing and measuring submilliamp currents in a charged particle beam or thousands of amps resulting from a fault in a major power feeder, you will find a Pearson current monitor to suit your needs. The use of our patented distributed termination technique permits pulse-current monitoring of rise times as short as two nanoseconds. Our current sensor devices of larger inner diameter make possible high voltage current measurement without the risk of voltage breakdown. Several of our current transformer models feature double shielding for greater noise immunity and increased safety in high voltage applications. All models are sealed and are suitable for use in high voltage insulating oil or under vacuum. They can be connected to oscilloscopes, spectrum analyzers, power analyzers, digital voltmeters, analog-to-digital convertors, and a variety of other measuring instruments.
美国皮尔逊(Pearson Electronics)1958年变开始设计和生产监测变压器 经过几十年的发展,产品广泛应用于美国军工、医疗、航空等领域,一直服役于极其复杂的瞬间信号和一些频率周期性信号环境下.奠定了它,高品质的要求。
上海祺煊实业有限公司代理经营皮尔逊(Pearson Electronics),电流测试环系产品,交货及时,价格实惠,以诚信、稳定、优质的服务于客户,做长期的企业路线。电流测试环,国内也称电流互感器或电流传感器,电流互感器的运行情况相当于2次侧短路的变压器,忽略励磁电流,安匝数相等I1N1=I2N2 ,电流互感器一次绕组电流I1与二次绕组I2的电流比,叫实际电流比I1/I2=N2/N1=k。具体代理型号为:2877 , 4100 , 2100 , 3100 , 150 , 325 , 2878